Rate the last movie you watched 1-10

I don't give movies 10's because they're too subjective, but had to post about this one.

Don't Breathe. 9/10

This movie is super intense. Didn't expect too much from the trailer but wanted to get out of reality for a few hours so went to see it. Totally recommend. Super fucking intense, riveting, scares the shit out of you several times and worth seeing in the theater for the sound and effects.

Got good reviews and critics loved it too.


War Dogs 8/10

I felt like it got some bad reviews because of the subject matter and how it was portrayed.
Café Society. 8. Nice calm movie that had no beginning and no ending. Just a slice of life from late 30s to late 40s among the country club set.
Mission Impossible Rogue Nation - The weakest one since the second one. Still enjoyable, cruise is finally starting to look his age. 6.5/10

Interstellar - I really liked the movie and the concept. I knew what a genius director Nolan was, but I didn't know he was such a great writer. Great acting, story, concept and casting. 8.5/10...
I can't jive on tom cruise anything after he had that meltdown over joining the 1st church of applincology where they worship toasters & beard trimmers

now interstellar was fan tastic,had to watch it twice back to back
(2014) Journey to the West: Conquering the demons


Cool movie the Japanese humor makes it weird but the special effects and the subject matter are pretty freaking cool.
Just watched the new movie War Dogs. Its got Jonah Hill in it and some other guy, forgot his name already.
It was about a 7. Jonah Hill has turned into a fat fucking pig.
They play a couple of gun runners. True story apparently.
Just watched the new movie War Dogs. Its got Jonah Hill in it and some other guy, forgot his name already.
It was about a 7. Jonah Hill has turned into a fat fucking pig.
They play a couple of gun runners. True story apparently.

The biggest flaw with the movie was that the audience hated the main characters. That was the whole point. Anti-hero movies don't play well in the American psych. Americans are always heros lol
The biggest flaw with the movie was that the audience hated the main characters. That was the whole point. Anti-hero movies don't play well in the American psych. Americans are always heros lol
The one guy was likeable. Jonah Hills character was a douche bag. Glad I didn't pay to see it