Why Black Men Don't Open Carry

Motivation is a factor for individuals to achieve their goals.

"Education" ? If you think funding government schools forcibly is okay, but then teaching kids bullying is wrong is representative of "being educated" you should ask for a refund since it is a contradiction, therefore untrue, therefore, a lie.

I do agree with you though that racism has been promoted and supported by government institutions. For instance some gun control laws have racist origins.
It must bring you to tears when you have to pay that property tax each year. If you really hate doing it, I would suggest you move to Kenya or Namibia...no property tax there.
Did your kids make the honor roll when they went to publicschool ?
Black people don't open carry because they'd get shot by cops, who would then claim they were justified.

Didn't that just happen? On youtube? A woman watched her boyfriend (who had a permit for his firearm) bleed out in the car?

Somehow, the cop isn't even charged with littering?
So young black girls shouldn't have dolls that look like them? Parent's should just buy the white one for their children? Interesting. How many dolls of color did you buy your kids?

No. But what's interesting is the standard that is used to represent blackness.

If I were black I'd be pretty outraged that the 'aspire' is one of light skin and eyes any color other than brown.

Just the messenger here, BK.
It must bring you to tears when you have to pay that property tax each year. If you really hate doing it, I would suggest you move to Kenya or Namibia...no property tax there.
Did your kids make the honor roll when they went to publicschool ?

I can't stop sobbing for days.

Isn't it ironically funny that the kids in public schools who can best regurgitate what other people tell them, even when it's propaganda, are somehow honored ? That's a rhetorical question by the way.
I can't stop sobbing for days.

Isn't it ironically funny that the kids in public schools who can best regurgitate what other people tell them, even when it's propaganda, are somehow honored ? That's a rhetorical question by the way.

house located in Kenya...no property tax. do you need help packing ?

I think it depends a lot on how u look n where u live,I wouldn't think states like Texas where everybody Carry's would care,where I'm at nobody open Carry's and I've had trouble over my concealed carry,idiots just love dialing 911,my fingers aren't capable of hitting those 3 digits