unclebuck's outreach to white people

He was ahead in the polls and guaranteed winner.
Dewey just got lazy and Truman ran a better campaign. The Democratic Party in those days were split and indeed Dewey could've won but just like Reagan did to Mondale he was able exploit Dewey's youth and inexperience as a reason not to vote for him.

You also had the fact Truman had been the VP of the most popular President, ever. And Truman was able to tie Dewey's agendas to the do-nothing congress.

so your saying your ignorant of what your candidates plans are & your good with that as long as the guy you don't like don't win

well manicured media zombie in effect
No I'm just saying Hillarys baggage pales in comparison to that of Trumps.

I may be a high school dropout but smart enough not to vote against my best interest, I've read some posts here on RIU from some (questionable at best) highly educated individuals that just leaves me baffled...not to mention the idiots that reside in congress that represents the GOP.
Seriously did you just make an account to hide behind and troll the political forums?

You are correct! When you see a new member with 500 posts in Politics in the first week, it's easy to figure out.

Fortunately, they usually burn out just as quickly. :lol:

No I'm just saying Hillarys baggage pales in comparison to that of Trumps.

I may be a high school dropout but smart enough not to vote against my best interest, I've read some posts here on RIU from some (questionable at best) highly educated individuals that just leaves me baffled...not to mention the idiots that reside in congress that represents the GOP.

Taxes. Their bourgeois minds can't think past new bbq smoker = personal freedom.

Double validating when not racist racism carries the day.
No I'm just saying Hillarys baggage pales in comparison to that of Trumps.

I may be a high school dropout but smart enough not to vote against my best interest, I've read some posts here on RIU from some (questionable at best) highly educated individuals that just leaves me baffled...not to mention the idiots that reside in congress that represents the GOP.

do we need to do a body count or visit country's Hillary crushed ?

dead bodies is a lot more than baggage