My plant is really messed up


Active Member
Ok this is the only plant that is experiencing this.. but a few are starting to show early signs of it too... Im using PureBlend ProGro for nutes.... The temp is 75 constant and a fan on the plants... Ive been watering everyday almost could that be the reason? I dont have a ph checker... but ive been using distilled water so.. it should be ok?



Well-Known Member
looks like over watering to me as well as possible nute burn.
let the coco dry out (if thats what it is) for a few days until it feels dry when you stick your finger down about 2.5 inches.
then start watering with half strength nutes and only water when it feels dry 2.5 inches down
could be as few as 2 times a week
and gradually increase your nutes to full strength as the plant rebounds


Active Member
Correct it is coco sorry for not mentioning. It's been preflushed ofc. And I guess the over-water seems logical I was just afraid of underwatering :dunce:.
I really hope I can save this young one.


Well-Known Member
Buy a pH tester, treat it as a hydroponic medium and pH to 5.5, you do need to water everyday defore the plant gets established for coco.


Well-Known Member
you are experiencing nute burn, Your PH is probably not right. Are you testing your ph? Also, You never need to water every day, even the biggest MJ plants seldom need a drink everyday. I like to give my plants a lil under a third in water of what my container holds in soil, or let 10-20% run off is what i like to do. then I get a feel for the plants weight after i water it. check it in 2 days by picking up the container, if your not sure then old reliable is stick your finger a few inches in and if its moist let her go another day and check again. How old are your plants? Depending on the medium some plants dont need to be fed nutes for a month. And you should only feed them everyother watering, some peeps go water water feed(like a minny flush). Anyway Good luck, but get that PH right if it isnt,and consider flushing the plants ASAP! looks like a 2gal pot i am not sure. so if your container is 2 gallons, flush with 4 to 4 1/2 gallons of water. If its 1 gallon container use 2 to 2 2/1 gal. of water to flush. I'm telling you if you flush your plants you will relieve them of the salt and over nutrient build up on your roots and they will bounce back.


Well-Known Member
I thought plants had to be watered less then once a day, but I know nothing about the coco medium..


Well-Known Member
yeah i apologize, i am stoned and missed the medium statement of being coco. sorry i dont know coco. Still would bet there is a nute and ph problem there

Lord Dangly Bits

Well-Known Member
guys, I don't think you understand how a coco medium works. It is nothing like soil...
I am on my third crop with COCO as a medium. Depending on the brand of COCO, you need to water 1-2 times a day. The brand I use now only needs small amounts of water once a day, with a good flooding every three days. But one brand I had to water twice a day for 60 seconds. I keep my PH at about 5.8. As the plants gets more roots and the COCO starts to condense you need to shorten the amount of waterings. But with COCO, it is almost impossible to over water.

As I said this is only my third crop with COCO. But this stuff works great for me. You get all the benifits of soil, with the control of Hydro. I have all three of my hydro systems up for sell now. COCO/Soil uses way less nuts. So you save money there. COCO/Soil taste better in my opinion. And much less to clean at the end. I use grow bags, so I just throw them away.

From his pictures I might think he is under watering. Notice how his COCO is only moist right around the STOCK? I think he needs to water it good once and then lightly everyday. Then water it heavy in 3 days or so.

Lord Dangly Bits

Well-Known Member
Buy a pH tester, treat it as a hydroponic medium and pH to 5.5, you do need to water everyday defore the plant gets established for coco.
Hey Ganjababy, you really think COCO should be kept at 5.5 PH? I let it bounce between 5.8 and 6.0. Should I lower this? I get good healthy plants at my PH. But I am new to COCO.


Active Member
I use Cocogro by Botincare. Hmm well I dont think that its under watered and the pots are 3 gallon pots. The reason I doubt its under watered is because the coco is really... really.. really damp when touched. I mean if i put my finger in its pretty damp inside.

Lord Dangly Bits

Well-Known Member
Sorry, but from the pictures I have to disagree. Your COCO is only moist in the center, and BONE, I mean DUST dry all around that center. So I doubt you have moisture under your roots.

My COCO usually always has moisture most all the way around the plants, all the way to the sides. But with small dry areas. I mean very small, if you wipe the surface, it is moist. Yours is very dry around the edges. At least this is what I see in the pictures.


Well-Known Member
Sorry, but from the pictures I have to disagree. Your COCO is only moist in the center, and BONE, I mean DUST dry all around that center. So I doubt you have moisture under your roots.

My COCO usually always has moisture most all the way around the plants, all the way to the sides. But with small dry areas. I mean very small, if you wipe the surface, it is moist. Yours is very dry around the edges. At least this is what I see in the pictures.
I agree totally, it's under watered considering the medium.It looks way too dry on the outsides I would even it up a little better so as to not go right in the middle like a bowl and that way it will water the whole pot not just the middle.

Lord Dangly Bits

Well-Known Member
Here are a few pictures of my plants that are in COCO. Both the CUTTINGS and full out plants. All are in flowing stage. My drip system will turn on in about 5 hours from now, but they are still plenty moist all around.

As i said though. The larger plants are my third crop in COCO, and the smaller cuttings, are my fourth. So I am not mister know it all. But this is what works for me.



Active Member
Well I was usually concentrating watering around the middle of the plant, seeing as they just got transplanted and most of the soil was wet or seemed like it... but I just did a flush 5 minutes before typing this till clear water was seen. I hope I see some results in the next few days and nights. Ill take your advice about not being to over water. Ill make sure its nice and wet all around and once a day. Thanks guys. I really appreciate it since im new to this. First time.

Also... how much does a drip system cost to setup? I really see more advantages in growing with coco rather then anything else so I want to stick with it. But I wanna make it at least semi automated ;). A detailed analasys would be appreciated.

Lord Dangly Bits

Well-Known Member
You buy a Water Pump for about $30, a pieace of 1/2" hose for about $2, a tool for punching the hose $3. Small hose fittings About .35 cents each. Defusers,, $1 each, 5 gallon bucket $5. small drip hoseing, .15 cents- .25 cents a foot. Timer $25. There you have a drip system.

Just Copy this list and go to Hydro store, and tell them you want to build a drip system with these parts. They will show you how to put it together.

Oh forgot, you might have to go to lowes for a couple of 1/2" PCV fittings, and some PVC glue and 1/2"-3/4" hose clamps.

What you want to do with the timer is this. Get your COCO all wet, then about 3-4 hours later turn on your drip system and time how long it takes for water to drain out the bottom. Just short of or at this time is when you want your timer to turn off.


Active Member
Lord Dangley Bits, I really like you right now. Infact you've just saved me from having to deal with commercial products. (There bullshit prices are pretty stupid seeing as the parts to do it yourself are 1/6th of the price. And I don't beleive that extra 5x qualifies for "time to build" cost. Anyways I really appreciate your help and I will be getting this together this friday. Thanks for everything Dangley. All the others who helped I owe you a thanks too, thanks for being supportive and adequate with your answers.

Lord Dangly Bits

Well-Known Member
Luganix, I really hope this fix'es you issues. If you need any help putting that drip system together, just PM me. I will get back to you as soon as I can. Remember to get a big enough water pump to cover the volume. If you want full sized plants, you will need two defusers for each plant. You can do about 10 defusers with a 300 GPH water Pump. Try not to make your RISER to tall. This is the 1/2" tubeing you connect vertical from the pump, which all your smaller connecting hoses come from. The more height it has the bigger the pump needed. But do not cluster the smaller hose fittings so close together that you are getting a capilary action going. I am stoned to the Bone, not sure that Capilary action word is correct. This is the same action that happens if you have a submarine or a large vessel that over revs its prop.. Talk about mind blank,, that dam word is right on the tip of my next bong hit.

AHH FINALLY!!! Cavitation. Hard to happen on a small system, but if you get enough action in it, it can happen.


Well-Known Member
i must apollogise if i lead you astray in thinkin it was over watering. i always thought COCO was closer to soil as far as how much water it held.
looks like LDB has you headed in the right direction and i will definatly take notes as to the watering habits of COCO.
im just glad someone stepped in and got you headed the right way