You want 5600k light on 12/12.
Light is beneficial to myc in all stages.
I colonize grain spawn with 12\12.
And guess what? I have never had a jar pin invitro, strange since light is supposedly such a huge pinning trigger...
You are right,I don't do much experimentation.But you have yet to experiment with it.
Can you address any of my questions?
You are right,I don't do much experimentation.
Others have already done the experimentation and written teks. I follow proven teks.
I don't post teks because they are already ALL over the internet, I don't find much use in just saying the same things that are already out there.
I don't know why you insist on beating this light\pinning thing like a dead horse.
If light was a major pin trigger, then myc would go invitro in jars that are exposed to light, also, some people use solid colored totes that get no light and they pull off fat flushs just fine.
Lets just agree to disagree
And again you grow oysters bro why you here on a weed site telling ppl how to grow shit you never even grew before how about tap some logs and hang some saw dust and leave the cubes, pan and cyans to the people that actually grow them I have been a member for like a week now and all you do on here so far that I have seen is put your info in on something you really can't even begin to speak on considering you really have no experience in that field. Do you grow marijuana? Is that why you're on this site? Are you just here to give information to people who are trying to grow magic mushrooms that don't really need to know. Now I'm sure you know what you're doing im sure you've had plenty successful grows. But I think until somebody talks about saw dust or white button mushrooms you should hold your tongue. And don't take this to offense I'm just being honest and if you have a great Tech on how to grow Portobellos with just buying one from a store I would love to know. Thank you. Have a good day.I have yet to see a brown or cream colored "rind" that is any thing but what you describe here. But thisay be akin to overlay on casing and will inhibit fruit
And again you grow oysters bro why you here on a weed site telling ppl how to grow shit you never even grew before how about tap some logs and hang some saw dust and leave the cubes, pan and cyans to the people that actually grow them I have been a member for like a week now and all you do on here so far that I have seen is put your info in on something you really can't even begin to speak on considering you really have no experience in that field. Do you grow marijuana? Is that why you're on this site? Are you just here to give information to people who are trying to grow magic mushrooms that don't really need to know. Now I'm sure you know what you're doing im sure you've had plenty successful grows. But I think until somebody talks about saw dust or white button mushrooms you should hold your tongue. And don't take this to offense I'm just being honest and if you have a great Tech on how to grow Portobellos with just buying one from a store I would love to know. Thank you. Have a good day.
Idk what's goin on there. Lol. I just wanted to post another pic and see if these are still looking ok to you guys. And that they look like there still going to fruit ?
I am patiently waiting but my health problems aren't. Lol. My nerves have been bad and just getting worse lately to where I can't work barely. Just really need these things to fruit.
I know ya can't rush things. They will fruit when they want to Lol.
I just want to know that they are doing ok and headed in the right direction.
These are WBS/VERM mix. It's actually the only thing I can get to colonize so I'm moving to
semi-bulk with my next jar.
Misting caused me problems so I don't mist now The climate is plenty humid enough I beleive. And yeah I think patience is key here now and just waiting. There are a few Mycellium balls that have the shape of a mushroom but I think it's just the shape it formed. I haven't seen any "pinning" but it's starting to form these balls of Mycellium and then some smaller ones that look like hyphae knots. Little white "Nerds" So I'm thinking I should see them starting soon now.
What worried me is the two cakes on the outside formed hyphae knots and then died off it seemed. Then it started growing new fresh Mycellium balls. Like little or medium size cotton balls. Then I noticed they started kind of like dieing off. So I took them out yesterday and Dunked them for a few hours and rolled in Coir and Verm Mix It was easier to keep the Coir stuck to the cake with a little Verm mixed in
Man this is making mushroom growing a lot more complicated or dare I say harder than I thought.