The UK Growers Thread!

can 3 angstrom molecular sieves clean the water out of the 95.58?

Yeah to be honest I did forget to mention that.

It's really what we should all be using, buy cheap ass vodka and pour it through a packed column of 3A beads to filter out the water.
Dry the water from the 3A beads by baking in the oven then they can be reused.

We should throw that out there now as knowledge for all.

3A beads are cheap enough, 500g for £8 ish ............

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Yeah to be honest I did forget to mention that.

It's really what we should all be using, buy cheap ass vodka and pour it through a packed column of 3A beads to filter out the water.
Dry the water from the 3A beads by baking in the oven then they can be reused.

We should throw that out there now as knowledge for all.

3A beads are cheap enough, 500g for £8 ish ............

This sounds pretty promising...I can't seem to find much on the subject online though, any details please? Such as what %'s we could get with this method from 40% vodka? Price on the polish 95% vodka is pretty steep and it's sold out everywhere I've checked too, not keen on ISO's toxicity
Seen those on Pill Reports.

Nice big chunks in em, they look savage tbh.
They are unbelievable. I was rowing a canoe round my front room and talking to people that weren't there.
I did fifteen doves in a night in about '93 and it wasn't close to four of those over a longer period of time.
Absolutely mental things and clean too. I've not felt bad at all since
Get your bongs, your vapes, your crack pipes, your hookahs, your dab rigs, your buckets, your brownies or your big fat joints

It's time to get high with the weed nerd
They are unbelievable. I was rowing a canoe round my front room and talking to people that weren't there.
I did fifteen doves in a night in about '93 and it wasn't close to four of those over a longer period of time.
Absolutely mental things and clean too. I've not felt bad at all since
By 93 the e''s had gone a bit below par. White doves that we got in 90 to 91 where the thizz though.
You could still get banging e's late 90s in london anyway, proper mitsi's , apples, fish, elephants a few stamps i can remember, seemed to be the 00's that it went to shit then the darknet changed the game this last 4-5yr.

shitloads of darknet pills on the streets now, you can get a 1000 of them punishers £1500 ish online.
You could still get banging e's late 90s in london anyway, proper mitsi's , apples, fish, elephants a few stamps i can remember, seemed to be the 00's that it went to shit then the darknet changed the game this last 4-5yr.

shitloads of darknet pills on the streets now, you can get a 1000 of them punishers £1500 ish online.
I am sure lad. I had kinda lost the love for it by then. And lol at punisher's. ..
This sounds pretty promising...I can't seem to find much on the subject online though, any details please? Such as what %'s we could get with this method from 40% vodka? Price on the polish 95% vodka is pretty steep and it's sold out everywhere I've checked too, not keen on ISO's toxicity

Theoretically you can get 100% Ethanol from 40% ABV Vodka @ 40% yield with a molecular sieve.

So out of 1L of cheap ass bottom shelf Vodka you'd get 400ml of 100% Ethanol.


Vodka has other ingredients in it like sugar/sweeteners so I don't know how those contaminants would affect the end product.

You'd probably end up with something like 99.89% pure Ethanol from Vodka, at a guess.

I think 3A beads absorb about 19-20% water so you'd probably have to filter the Vodka in several runs so as to get all the water out.