Hillary can't be trusted

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Hillary's health

Like Hillary's health?


There was 100's of them. Coming from all directions. Look out!!!

Hillary's handler is still missing.
I heard she was campaigning under sniper fire so maybe her handler took a 2nd amendment for her.
I bet she gets a nice handful of benzos, you'd think she could calm the fuck down.
Actually if you've seen the entire video it shows the nerd ass "protesters"(about 5 of them) trying desperately to raise a banner over their heads, they were quite scary.
I heard she was campaigning under sniper fire so maybe her handler took a 2nd amendment for her.
I bet she gets a nice handful of benzos, you'd think she could calm the fuck down.
Actually if you've seen the entire video it shows the nerd ass "protesters"(about 5 of them) trying desperately to raise a banner over their heads, they were quite scary.

She looked like she short circuited.
I heard she was campaigning under sniper fire so maybe her handler took a 2nd amendment for her.
I bet she gets a nice handful of benzos, you'd think she could calm the fuck down.
Actually if you've seen the entire video it shows the nerd ass "protesters"(about 5 of them) trying desperately to raise a banner over their heads, they were quite scary.

oh hey. it's the white pride guy who has to sell his hoods when he misses a day of work, which he blames on obama.

LOL. loser.
I have dozens of links. Google "Hillary's handler". I'm gonna pick one and post it just to watch buck melt over the source I cite. Watch this ...


Hillary reportedly froze unexpectedly during a campaign stop at a Las Vegas union hall on August 4th. She appeared to be dazed and unaware of her surroundings and what was going on around her.

Immediately after this took place Hillary's 'handler' was seen rushing to her side and began rubbing her back. As the man rubbed her back he was heard speaking the words "You're OK. Keep talking."
While weird, it doesnt mean he was killed. He probably stands behind stage now. Or was fired.
Oh hey, vei cojete solo pilo dente.

you live in the state with the highest demand for consturction workers right now, and you had to sell your hood after missing a half day of work. and you blamed obama. then you celebrated a white pride event.

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