Hillary can't be trusted

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is she talking about banning a religion and deporting the undesirables? like hitler did?

yes,hillary is doing exactly that,she heavily funds the new atheist movement, check
keep blacks ignorant and living in democratic created ghettos 4 generations,check mate and game
that education u just blabbed about skipped over u I c
yes,hillary is doing exactly that,she heavily funds the new atheist movement, check
keep blacks ignorant and living in democratic created ghettos 4 generations,check mate and game
that education u just blabbed about skipped over u I c

can you quote where hillary sai she wants to ban an entire religion, like trump did? or deport the undesirables to detention camps, like trump did?

thanks again, shit for brains.
but what if its a right wing job lol

are you some kind of paid russian troll? if so, you should not only be forced, but your boss should be shot.

you blather about the stupidest shit and never provide one ounce of evidence to back it up.

that's exactly what someone with an incredibly tiny penis would do.
can you quote where hillary sai she wants to ban an entire religion, like trump did? or deport the undesirables to detention camps, like trump did?

thanks again, shit for brains.

Clinton foundation records acknowledge the millions Hillary has given to crush Christianity,check

Baltimore,Detroit,Chicago,just 2 name a few,all inescapable democrat created gulags 4 close 2 100 years now , mate

u r 2 damn easy 2 squash
are you some kind of paid russian troll? if so, you should not only be forced, but your boss should be shot.

you blather about the stupidest shit and never provide one ounce of evidence to back it up.

that's exactly what someone with an incredibly tiny penis would do.

calm down,your heads spinning,call Hillary n see if she will send one of her blue tranquilizer darts over 4 u
cite she didnt
Donald J. Trump is calling for a total and complete shutdown of Muslims entering the United States
until we can figure out how to properly vete these people the FBI tells us could be up to 20% Isis supporters

I don't even support that hair hatted hooligan trump but can see your manipulation of truth,have no fear I finished trumps statement 4 u 4 clarity
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