Under the bus

"I never made that call" says the guy who prides himself on doxxing people.

It doesn't really matter. Like I said, all it did was get your name put on a list.


i am literally inviting you to prove it, even if it means posting my personal information.

you are a ratshit coward snitch, and a racist loser of epic proportions.

i am literally inviting you to prove it, even if it means posting my personal information.

you are a ratshit coward snitch, and a racist loser of epic proportions.

You go ahead and show me proof that I snitched on anyone and we can go from there.

I know the truth. That's all that matters. ;)

Try not to melt so hard, you're ruining your good shirt.
You go ahead and show me proof that I snitched on anyone and we can go from there.

I know the truth. That's all that matters. ;)

Try not to melt so hard, you're ruining your good shirt.
Love the signature my friend.
Never understood the troll.not you

the Bucket head Buck do you think of some of the feelings the people who you attack.
Hello think before belittle please.

What on earth is so fucking appealing to agitate aperson
Sry Riu.
Love the signature my friend.
Never understood the troll.not you

the Bucket head Buck do you think of some of the feelings the people who you attack.
Hello think before belittle please.

What on earth is so fucking appealing to agitate aperson
Sry Riu.

joined yesterday, 32 posts, and already asshurt by ol' bucky?


must have been hilarious the first time you flamed out.
Love the signature my friend.
Never understood the troll.not you

the Bucket head Buck do you think of some of the feelings the people who you attack.
Hello think before belittle please.

What on earth is so fucking appealing to agitate aperson
Sry Riu.

if not Powell, then she surely learned it was OK from Bush and Cheney. private email server. 22 million emails delelted. none recovered. classified? maybe/maybe not?

There`s a difference between having private servers and allowing foreign Governments access to them.

If you shoot the rocket up, with no guidance it will destruct and come back down,....on you.

A nuclear weapon needs to be specifically detonated.

And there's virtually zero chance it would come down again in a straight line, rotation of the Earth alone would determine that.
In fairness, if this fdd guy did snitch about something, it'd be pretty big and thus pretty easy to show even a newspaper article about it.
I actually have the article that said he informed, but he will cry to the mods and have me banned if I put the link up. I don't want to start another account and I do enjoy some of the people here, so I'm waiting for Fdd to say fuck it.
Come on DLY if no snitching, know worries
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As President, he doesn`t need them. Launch codes start the rocket, they don`t select or train the guidance system.

sure about that?
To launch an attack, the President would need to confirm his identity using a code printed on a plastic card (nicknamed "the biscuit"), which the President was supposed to always have in his possession. With today's technology and internet availability, the "football" and the "biscuit" have become obsolete.

As a supreme show of confidence in the new White House Cybersecurity Plan and an ongoing commitment to openness and transparency, the Daily Nuclear Codes are uploaded to this White House website giving the President immediate access to these vital codes wherever he is.

Because these Top Secret codes are protected through the use of a retinal scan, they can only be accessed by President Obama. This online nuclear launch capability along with the Cyber Warfare Command and Control System give President Obama the tools he needs to keep our nation safe.

A nuclear weapon needs to be specifically detonated.

And there's virtually zero chance it would come down again in a straight line, rotation of the Earth alone would determine that.

Nowhere did I say it would detonate. It wont arm til final/terminal. (that`s not just a move phrase)

"Come back down on you",.... If I fire it up in Boston, it wont make 10,000 ft and it sure will come back on Boston. I don`t want to travel to go get the remains. It wont go far at all, the second boost wont kick in. There are many variables, but they get the point.

While detonate is timed or specific,...fizz phase is not.
sure about that?
To launch an attack, the President would need to confirm his identity using a code printed on a plastic card (nicknamed "the biscuit"), which the President was supposed to always have in his possession. With today's technology and internet availability, the "football" and the "biscuit" have become obsolete.

As a supreme show of confidence in the new White House Cybersecurity Plan and an ongoing commitment to openness and transparency, the Daily Nuclear Codes are uploaded to this White House website giving the President immediate access to these vital codes wherever he is.

Because these Top Secret codes are protected through the use of a retinal scan, they can only be accessed by President Obama. This online nuclear launch capability along with the Cyber Warfare Command and Control System give President Obama the tools he needs to keep our nation safe.

Yes, I am sure about that. HOT warheads are interchangeable, I can drop it out a 52, shoot one from a Howitzer, put it in a suitcase,....If someone steals or deletes the codes, I`ll take another path.
Don`t talk move shit to me. Half of them are not even real. None of them rest loaded. The ICBM is ballistic for a reason. Once departed, you can load it, destruct it, watch it,....but you aint changing the flight path without hiting it with something and those fucking things are fast.

Launch codes make everything go smooth. They`re not needed. The scientists still have control over ours,....not so sure about the rest of the family,...and that`s not a good thing at all. Launch coded prevent things like subs from going crazy and acting out of orders.
So, an accusation of a crime means the person is a criminal?

The e-mail thing never was a "criminal" case other than in the minds of the hard right. After 25 years of right wing congressmen and other GOP leadership's attempts to pin something on Hillary, all they ended up with was "mis-handled documents". Just saying that bungling isn't the same as intent to commit a crime.

Will something "big" happen over the next four years? What kind of thing do you think is in the wind? For myself, I was much more nervous about Trump's proposal to create a new arm of law enforcement with the mission to ferret out 11 million people that are already in hiding.

Just like Al Capone he wasn't a criminal from many years of accusations of crimes from the right wing and they put him in away for his bungling of not paying taxes. She has did the same thing in fact she has did every crime he did and a hell of a lot more of it and a lot of other crimes that he didn't, for a longer time. Its just not fair, why are crimes illegal?