Please help confused.


Ok so pretty new grower. I have these clones as far as i know same mother and have been growing outdoors as long as i have had them i got them they were pretty small. they have been in the same soil and same size pots the entire time.

So here is my question as you can see in the pics they are very different size wise and also one on the right is flowering and the one on the left isn't even showing pre-flowers. i have a close up pic and im 99% percent sure it is a female why would one be a couple of weeks into flower and the other not even showing any signs.

pic 4 is are plants grown from seed and they are also flowering and almost done.

Is it a male and i need to get rid of it ASAP?



Yes I know it's female and if it's a 9 week strain and it hasn't started flowering yet and these are outdoor I don't think it's going to finish in time what do I do just trash it?


Well-Known Member
just force it to flower, i had a hermie in the yard in a pot last year. put it in the shed at 7 every night, got it out at 7 am for a couple weeks and it flowered nice, then the daylight caught up.


Well-Known Member
Yes I know it's female and if it's a 9 week strain and it hasn't started flowering yet and these are outdoor I don't think it's going to finish in time what do I do just trash it?
If they are outdoor it won't be ready for sometime dude, just because it's a 9 week strain doesn't mean it's done in nine weeks it mean it will flower for nine weeks once it starts flowering.

Auto-flowers are what you're wanting to use it seems but if you have clones that will mean they are photo-period and if they are outside you are looking at waiting another month or so before you can even think about harvesting.

Don't trash the other one til you see balls for sure, just because it doesn't have pistils now doesn't mean it won't some just take a little longer.