Gnats go away!

Nik lee

New Member
Help, Help, started growing on 8/8 sprouts look good on 4 plants but noticed that i have gnats all in my girls, used hydo.perox. 2 days ago mixed with water but still see lots of gnats made a batch of Habernaro pepper spray now and wanted to know will that help with gnats or just stick with peroxide?
Use sand on top 1/4" or so. Yellow sticky traps. Most importantly control your humidty levels. A strong exhaust fan is helpful. Sns products work well.
Btw hydrogen peroxide is good for mold not bugs. Try a little soapy water. Also ladybugs are great at pest control
Peroxide spray definetely is a pest control aswell, habanero spray also works very good. If you have a little extra to spend, highly recomend Caliclean to id you of mites/nats

It will take 3-5 sprays over the course of 6-10days with the peroxide/habanero before they are extinguished
Try the top layer of perlite and be easy on the water it's cheap and effective especially if you already have it laying around.
For me every ti e i had gnats it was due to overwatering and the soil remaining wet. Let the soil totally dry out before watering again and keep the watering light. Put up yellow sticky traps and the issue will reslove itself. Diatomaceous earth as a top dressing or a very fine sand works as well. If its really bad water with neem oil, that wiol kill the larvae in the soil.
Peroxide spray definetely is a pest control aswell, habanero spray also works very good. If you have a little extra to spend, highly recomend Caliclean to id you of mites/nats

It will take 3-5 sprays over the course of 6-10days with the peroxide/habanero before they are extinguished
Thanks i was a little worried, so far so good im doing what you said and it seems to be working so far, I will try to post pics once they get a little bigger
Peroxide spray definetely is a pest control aswell, habanero spray also works very good. If you have a little extra to spend, highly recomend Caliclean to id you of mites/nats

It will take 3-5 sprays over the course of 6-10days with the peroxide/habanero before they are extinguished

Hydrogen Peroxide, 70 to 91% Rubbing alcohol and Dawn dish soap or any dish soap (not anti bacterial) in a sparyer bottle or 1 gallon sprayer with kill spider mites.

Courtesy of a Canadian poster here on the forums:

Mix. 30ml of "3% H2O2-Hydrogen Peroxide" per 1L of tap water ("3% Peroxide can be bought at a Pharmacy or buy you can buy "35% Hydrogen Peroxide" from a Hydroponics Store, BUT the application changes to 2-3ml/L), 20ml/L of 99% Rubbing Alcohol (Pharmacy for $4) and a 5 ml of regular liquid dish soap (basic dish soap, NOT anti-bacterial). Mix and spray EVERYTHING. This formula kills mites and should be repeated within 3 days. Best time to spray is when they are about to go to sleep (i.e. turn off the lights).

I think I did for a half gallon mixture of water in a 1 gallon sprayer about 60 ml of 3% hydrogen perox, 10 ml of Dawn dish soap and 40 ML of 50% rubbing alcohol. In the future, I will use 70% or 91% alcohol. Hit it with high pressure water in sprayer bottle or tank to mix and then shake tanks or bottle when spraying plants. .

I sprayed under all the leaves and soaked the plants after lights went out. About 5 hours later before the lights would come on I rinsed with 1 gallon sprayer tank with water. Had the fans going in the dark so the plants would be dry by the time the lights came back on. I worked well for me. The plants were not harmed and looked much happier a day later because those spider mite shits were gone.

I also use SNS 209 during watering. SNS 209 has Rosemary oil that gets in the plants and mites hate it.

Freaking 70 to 91% rubbing alcohol will do a number on any bug even diluted.

The total cost besides 1 gallon sprayer tank. .88 cents for 32 ounces of hyrdrogen peroxide at Wal Mart, $1.38 for 32 oz of 70% rubbing alcohol or about $2.18 for 90% all at Wal Mart. I think I got 10 ounce of Dawn at Office Depot for .99 cents. I am not pimping Wal Mart but they were cheaper than the Dollar Store.
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Hydrogen Peroxide, 70 to 91% Rubbing alcohol and Dawn dish soap or any dish soap (not anti bacterial) in a sparyer bottle or 1 gallon sprayer with kill spider mites.

Courtesy of a Canadian poster here on the forums:

Mix. 30ml of "3% H2O2-Hydrogen Peroxide" per 1L of tap water ("3% Peroxide can be bought at a Pharmacy or buy you can buy "35% Hydrogen Peroxide" from a Hydroponics Store, BUT the application changes to 2-3ml/L), 20ml/L of 99% Rubbing Alcohol (Pharmacy for $4) and a 5 ml of regular liquid dish soap (basic dish soap, NOT anti-bacterial). Mix and spray EVERYTHING. This formula kills mites and should be repeated within 3 days. Best time to spray is when they are about to go to sleep (i.e. turn off the lights).

I think I did for a half gallon mixture of water in a 1 gallon sprayer about 60 ml of 3% hydrogen perox, 10 ml of Dawn dish soap and 40 ML of 50% rubbing alcohol. In the future, I will use 70% or 91% alcohol. Hit it with high pressure water in sprayer bottle or tank to mix and then shake tanks or bottle when spraying plants. .

I sprayed under all the leaves and soaked the plants after lights went out. About 5 hours later before the lights would come on I rinsed with 1 gallon sprayer tank with water. Had the fans going in the dark so the plants would be dry by the time the lights came back on. I worked well for me. The plants were not harmed and looked much happier a day later because those spider mite shits were gone.

I also use SNS 209 during watering. SNS 209 has Rosemary oil that gets in the plants and mites hate it.

Freaking 70 to 91% rubbing alcohol will do a number on any bug even diluted.

The total cost besides 1 gallon sprayer tank. .88 cents for 32 ounces of hyrdrogen peroxide at Wal Mart, $1.38 for 70% rubbing alcohol or about $2.18 for 90% all at Wal Mart. I think I got 10 ounce of Dawn at Office Depot for .99 cents. I am not pimping Wal Mart but they were cheaper than the Dollar Store.
Wow this was really helpful im heading to walmart right now! Thank you so much! I will update and keep you posted on my results
Wow this was really helpful im heading to walmart right now! Thank you so much! I will update and keep you posted on my results

Great. Oh and that cheap list of supplies from Wal Mart will probably last you for 5 or 6 sprayings. The dish soap even longer. Total cost about $3.50.

Alcohol evaporates rapidly so it nd Dawn and hydrogen peroxide seem to be fairly gentle on the plants. I let it sit on the plants as long as possible then rinse off with water then give the plants a chance to dry before lights come back on.

Another cheapie is Canola oil ($1 for 16 ozs at Wal Mart or $2.43 for about 32 ozs), Dawn and Rubbing Alcohol. 4 tblspoons of Canola oil, 1 teaspoon of Dawn or other dish soap and probably 5 or 6 table spoons of 70% or 90/91% alcohol per half gallon in a 1 gallon sprayer. Mix it all up. Get the undersides of the leaves. Do the rinse like the other method.

The downside is it is a little greasy but smothers spider mites well. Canola oil is in a lot of more expensive spider mite treatments that cost $30 a bottle.

Hydrogen peroxide and apple cider vinegar are two of my favorite things for many uses.

The Cali-Clean aka Pepper spray is pretty cheap and effective too for spider mites.
Another poster here really likes orange oil which is more expensive but I want to try that in the future. .
Hydrogen Peroxide, 70 to 91% Rubbing alcohol and Dawn dish soap or any dish soap (not anti bacterial) in a sparyer bottle or 1 gallon sprayer with kill spider mites.

Courtesy of a Canadian poster here on the forums:

Mix. 30ml of "3% H2O2-Hydrogen Peroxide" per 1L of tap water ("3% Peroxide can be bought at a Pharmacy or buy you can buy "35% Hydrogen Peroxide" from a Hydroponics Store, BUT the application changes to 2-3ml/L), 20ml/L of 99% Rubbing Alcohol (Pharmacy for $4) and a 5 ml of regular liquid dish soap (basic dish soap, NOT anti-bacterial). Mix and spray EVERYTHING. This formula kills mites and should be repeated within 3 days. Best time to spray is when they are about to go to sleep (i.e. turn off the lights).

I think I did for a half gallon mixture of water in a 1 gallon sprayer about 60 ml of 3% hydrogen perox, 10 ml of Dawn dish soap and 40 ML of 50% rubbing alcohol. In the future, I will use 70% or 91% alcohol. Hit it with high pressure water in sprayer bottle or tank to mix and then shake tanks or bottle when spraying plants. .

I sprayed under all the leaves and soaked the plants after lights went out. About 5 hours later before the lights would come on I rinsed with 1 gallon sprayer tank with water. Had the fans going in the dark so the plants would be dry by the time the lights came back on. I worked well for me. The plants were not harmed and looked much happier a day later because those spider mite shits were gone.

I also use SNS 209 during watering. SNS 209 has Rosemary oil that gets in the plants and mites hate it.

Freaking 70 to 91% rubbing alcohol will do a number on any bug even diluted.

The total cost besides 1 gallon sprayer tank. .88 cents for 32 ounces of hyrdrogen peroxide at Wal Mart, $1.38 for 32 oz of 70% rubbing alcohol or about $2.18 for 90% all at Wal Mart. I think I got 10 ounce of Dawn at Office Depot for .99 cents. I am not pimping Wal Mart but they were cheaper than the Dollar Store.

this method could be used both veg and flower stages? and can i also add neem oil to it?
this method could be used both veg and flower stages? and can i also add neem oil to it?

Veg yes for sure. I used it in flower and it seems to be fine. I have looked at all the expensive hydro store products like Green Cleaner, SNS 203 and others and most of them have alcohol and some vegetable oil like Canola or soybean oil.

Hydrogen peroxide is used on MJ plants for root rot and hydroponic root issues. Alcohol evaporates quickly. Dawn aka dish soap has been used by growers for a while.

I would add a little Neem too. Maybe a teaspoon ful or table spoon.

Two posters here who I respect like Spinosad and another likes Orange oil. Both are more expensive.

The old timer Calif growers used CaliClean aka Pepper spray which is habanero peppers simmered in water. String stuff. Some people call it Caliente Muerte or Hot Death Google "CaliClean."
Hydrogen peroxide tip. A German doctor in the 1930s had figured out something for onset of cold or flu. Put some hydrogen peroxide (3%) in your ears. Not flood them but a little with a cotton ball.

Every time, I get a sore throat and think I am going to get sick - I do that and gargle a little with it. Great for brushing your teeth with toothpaste. It kills bacteria and whitens your teeth. It foams up.

MJ plants seem to have no issues

Hydrogen peroxide with Neem oil. Peroxide kills the mites and Neem kills the eggs.
Veg yes for sure. I used it in flower and it seems to be fine. I have looked at all the expensive hydro store products like Green Cleaner, SNS 203 and others and most of them have alcohol and some vegetable oil like Canola or soybean oil.

Hydrogen peroxide is used on MJ plants for root rot and hydroponic root issues. Alcohol evaporates quickly. Dawn aka dish soap has been used by growers for a while.

I would add a little Neem too. Maybe a teaspoon ful or table spoon.

Two posters here who I respect like Spinosad and another likes Orange oil. Both are more expensive.

The old timer Calif growers used CaliClean aka Pepper spray which is habanero peppers simmered in water. String stuff. Some people call it Caliente Muerte or Hot Death Google "CaliClean."

say im using a 2 gallon spray, what are your recommended dosage in ml? and do you spray even if its not visible? for prevention purposes. im using garden safe neem oil atm, should i switch to another brand?
say im using a 2 gallon spray, what are your recommended dosage in ml? and do you spray even if its not visible? for prevention purposes. im using garden safe neem oil atm, should i switch to another brand?

Are you going to use the full 2 gallons? I had 5 plants and used a half gallon.

I think I did for a half gallon mixture of water in a 1 gallon sprayer about 60 ml of 3% hydrogen perox, 10 ml of Dawn dish soap and 40 ML of 50% rubbing alcohol. In the future, I will use 70% or 91% alcohol.

I would probably add 10 to 15 ml of Neem. If you are doing 2 gallons then multiply my numbers my 4. 2 gallons would be for a lot of plants.

Garden Safe I think is Schultz and they seem to be a good company. My local MMJ grow store sells Dyna Gro. I think Garden Safe is fine. Garden Safe's white cloning powder is pretty good and it is cheap.