SomeGuy's LED & Other Grows. 2014-15 Season

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I'm not 100% sure why tbh. Increase in stress probably. Inevitably depression and tearfulness follow attacks for me. Which only serve to make me more prone to another.

Yeah... literally no control once it takes over. Unfortunately mine are completely overwhelming. Whole body buzzez, go completely cold and can hardly breathe. So the are not only devastating but embarrassing.

Having tearfulness now for zero reason... sucks

Oh I would sweat it too much bro. You, me, and John Boehner....we're juicy.

I hope that the blues blow over ASAP.

I'm doing a bit better. Definitely have a few in my pocket at all times again. I thought I was doing better with this than I am apparently. I need to focus on myself and get more healthy. Working on some other things too. It's a group effort here. Lol.
That's brutal SG, hang in there. I learned about panic attacks when I thought I was getting them, but mine were considered high grade anxiety attacks. They were situational, and only left me speechless with difficulty breathing, and lasted less than 30 minutes. It happened mostly in my 20's, its been a while. It is a very strange feeling to be overcome by something you can't control. For years I would have nightmares that aliens or spirits possessed my body and took over, because that's what it felt like to loose control. I wonder how many people truly understand what it means that our entire experience of reality if fabricated in our minds, and if something in there shifts, we find ourselves in a different world.

I used to have a terrible fear that I was possessed by a demon too, as well as fearing that I committed the unpardonable sin. Fear is something I wrestle with everyday and in a lot of situations

Also therapy with a clinical psychologist one with a Ph.D., also helps. It's helped me tremendously.
I used to have a terrible fear that I was possessed by a demon too, as well as fearing that I committed the unpardonable sin. Fear is something I wrestle with everyday and in a lot of situations

Also therapy with a clinical psychologist one with a Ph.D., also helps. It's helped me tremendously.

My fears guide me. BECOME the demon, lol

I'd like to wrestle with a clinical psychologist with a PhD, as long as she's hot!
Yes. Are you gone yet SG? LOL, I am an IG newbie....can we chat there?

Not seeinghow.....but I am one of the people "following"'ll know
which one. :0)

Yes. Are you gone yet SG? LOL, I am an IG newbie....can we chat there?

Not seeinghow.....but I am one of the people "following"'ll know
which one. :0)

is that yer ig handle ? my is the same , someguys gone to ig he's posting there
the new law is polarizing to say the least
Hey TC, Someguy was feeling silenced in his hostility toward AUMA.

He is on IG. I joined to see what it was like....still trying to figure it we chat there? LOL
It is different fumble, very different.

LOL, I tagged an image with a comment "Where are you?" or some such.

There must be a chat room or some such, but I haven't found it yet.


P.S. and I write "some such" above because when I went back to find it, I couldn't. LOL
It is different fumble, very different.

LOL, I tagged an image with a comment "Where are you?" or some such.

There must be a chat room or some such, but I haven't found it yet.


P.S. and I write "some such" above because when I went back to find it, I couldn't. LOL
Theres no chat room. You have to be connected to the person you want to message then theres a message box for them
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