MMMP caregiver or no?


Well-Known Member
I had a friend call me asking about caregiver info that I wasn't able to answer so here I am.
The question was:
"If a terminal patient wants to get medibles from a dispensary but has mobility issues, does that person need a caregiver to play "middleman" to get the medibles from the dispensary or can a non-card holding person that is in control of their care "think legal guardian @ nursing home setting" get the medibles for the terminal cardholder? The person doesn't really want a "caregiver" in the sense of someone making medibles/extracts for them. They feel more comfortable getting meds from a trustworthy dispensary. How should the cardholder go about getting their meds legally? Thanks in advance...
you can be a care giver & you have a medical MJ card to 'supply' MJ

ie; transport & purchase

just deal with a delivery service , that's what they do

when you sign their paperwork you're allowing them to be your caregiver that's in Cali
Yah, they need a caregiver, dispense wont sell to someone without a card...and where does he/she think the dispensarys products come from?
Ya, I hear ya on the point of where it comes from before making its way to the dispensary. I honestly can't say why they are so set on getting from dispensary, but they are from my understanding. Ok, so the patient will need a caregiver. This brings me to my next point. What if the power of attorney/legal guardianship is the "nursing home" the patient lives in, but none of the staff that administer medications have MMMP cards. Does the "nursing home" need to provide an employee that can be a legal card holding caregiver to be able to legally obtain medibles for the patient(s)?
How does that work?
you can be a care giver & you have a medical MJ card to 'supply' MJ

ie; transport & purchase

just deal with a delivery service , that's what they do

when you sign their paperwork you're allowing them to be your caregiver that's in Cali
Not sure if thats how it works in MI? If they could get a delivery service and the patient is ok with that, would this be legal in MI to sign off the same as you do with a dispensary?
The only criminal part of this is the Republican scumbags that ruined the medical system we voted in. Technically dispensaries and edibles made with concentrates are illegal,I wouldn't even want to have a edible made with whole flowers if I was to be pulled over, I'm sure they would try to railroad you for having that.
Captain morgan is correct, concentrates and edibles were deemed illegal via a supreme court decision, but that doesnt stop dispensarys from selling them..i.e dispensarys were deemed illegal at the state level also.

Best bet and easiest, would be to have someone(family member, close friend) that visits regularly just fill out the change form and designate that person as the caregiver to handle everything. Otherwise, yes the nursing home could have someone fill out the form and designate one of them as the cg, i mean really anyone 21 and over with no drug related felonies qualifys to be a cg. Hope this helps. Just dont get pulled over and tell the officer what the edibles are.

cali is not michigan, in that scenario, they would just be signing that person as a caregiver.
This brings me to my next point. What if the power of attorney/legal guardianship is the "nursing home" the patient lives in, but none of the staff that administer medications have MMMP cards. Does the "nursing home" need to provide an employee that can be a legal card holding caregiver to be able to legally obtain medibles for the patient(s)?
How does that work?

999 times out of 100, the nursing home will not allow you to bring in marijuana for a patient, nor will they administer marijuana for a patient.

welcome to reality.

to answer your question on the legality of it, they are protected by the MMMA

michigan law 333.26424 (i)
(i) A person shall not be subject to arrest, prosecution, or penalty in any manner, or denied any right or privilege, including but not limited to civil penalty or disciplinary action by a business or occupational or professional licensing board or bureau, solely for being in the presence or vicinity of the medical use of marihuana in accordance with this act, or for assisting a registered qualifying patient with using or administering marihuana.
I had a friend call me asking about caregiver info that I wasn't able to answer so here I am.
The question was:
"If a terminal patient wants to get medibles from a dispensary but has mobility issues, does that person need a caregiver to play "middleman" to get the medibles from the dispensary or can a non-card holding person that is in control of their care "think legal guardian @ nursing home setting" get the medibles for the terminal cardholder? The person doesn't really want a "caregiver" in the sense of someone making medibles/extracts for them. They feel more comfortable getting meds from a trustworthy dispensary. How should the cardholder go about getting their meds legally? Thanks in advance...
Where do you live many dispensaries have delivery options especially in your case