Hillary can't be trusted

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Inflation is up...

Pound is down...

Growth is down...

And they haven't even left the EU yet.

Some of those fat, bald, English morons (with bad teeth) might have to get jobs now with no immigrants to fill them.

Now, sneaky ninja, I will humour you no further by replying to your posts.

I've not really been doing this chatting to people in forums thing for that long.

I've never met such closed minded, offensive trolls before...so I was a bit shellshocked at first and then I decided to play.

You are unworthy of playing with.

Your debating skills are non existent

Your insults are ridiculously infantile (retard, racist, penis related)

Have fun but quite simply, intellectually you do not challenge or stimulate me and you fail to ever make me laugh.

Find others with a pre school mentality, you'll stand a better chance

Bye x
Now, sneaky ninja, I will humour you no further by replying to your posts.

I've not really been doing this chatting to people in forums thing for that long.

I've never met such closed minded, offensive trolls before...so I was a bit shellshocked at first and then I decided to play.

You are unworthy of playing with.

Your debating skills are non existent

Your insults are ridiculously infantile (retard, racist, penis related)

Have fun but quite simply, intellectually you do not challenge or stimulate me and you fail to ever make me laugh.

Find others with a pre school mentality, you'll stand a better chance

Bye x
So you can dish it out about our country but can't face the facts about your own?

That's called delusion, sweetheart.
Except all the things I posted are statistically verifable and yours is pure conjecture.
The Brexit vote was about different things to different people. But mostly what tipped the scales towards leaving was the people who voted to leave chose to maintain the right to make the laws that affect them. It was a close vote and it might have gone another way, so this is not to say that everybody felt that way. The majority that voted to leave did so, not because it was best for the economy overall. They did so because they failed to see the benefit in trading off local control for the theoretical benefits of a free market when there was much evidence that there was no such thing for them. There will be disruption in Britain's economy while this thing settles out. Maybe slower growth long term but that is not certain.

My take on why Brexit is important to the US is that the movement towards globalization and opening of trade barriers between nations has been a dud as far as the working people of the UK and US are concerned. If globalization is such a great thing, why have the working classes in UK and US experienced decline in living standards? In the US, white working class people are seeing declines in life expectancy -- so naturally they are behaving in a fearful and angry manner towards economic policies of the past 20 years. Oh sure the 1% are making hay out of globalization. It is also clear that globalization mostly helps large multinational corporations, not small businesses, especially under the auspices of the EU but also in the US. The ultra rich who don't really live in any one country anyway. So, fuck them. Let them globalize Uganda. The people of the UK put a boot up the multinational financial system's ass. The US is trailing the UK in this regard but there is movement in that direction.

What is certain is that there is no way the US would have submitted so much authority to a body such as the European Commission. The US would have voted to leave too.
unjustified confidence. I didn't know it was possible but @Flaming Pie just managed to make herself look dumber than ever.

Immediately after the vote to leave was announced, business and consumer confidence in Britain plunged along with Sterling, which if nothing else happened would have shocked the UK economy into recession. The actions of the Bank of England are damping any short term effect on the economy due to these short term reactions. The system has a lot of resilience in the short term. It's been a little more than a month since the referendum was completed. Declarations one way or the other regarding the direction of Britain's economy are just silly.

Longer term, the people who ought to know (aka, not @Flaming Pie ) are projecting there will be a negative effect on Britain's economy. It's going to take a couple of years to definitely say what the effect of Brexit actually had on Britain's economy. I don't think the referendum was about money, anyway.
yeah, not like their currency completely plunged or anything, or world markets took a massive hit.
Currency and markets go up and down, in 6 mo. or a year they could be well above what they were before.
easy to ignore when you are dirt poor trailer trash with nothing invested in the markets, i guess.


I wouldn't know about that. I have 7 bedrooms, 4 and 1/2 baths, mud room, study, plant room, 2 large decks and 1 small 12x12 deck, 2 new cars and one older, a truck and what is inside my house is worth 4+ times more than my house and all of my land.
If you sold everything you own and got a loan I doubt you could pay for the wool carpet in my house. LPL still has a nice chunk of my money I have yet to pull out because of taxes.
You talk shit about what you seem to know very little of.
I wouldn't know about that. I have 7 bedrooms, 4 and 1/2 baths, mud room, study, plant room, 2 large decks and 1 small 12x12 deck, 2 new cars and one older, a truck and what is inside my house is worth 4+ times more than my house and all of my land.
If you sold everything you own and got a loan I doubt you could pay for the wool carpet in my house. LPL still has a nice chunk of my money I have yet to pull out because of taxes.
You talk shit about what you seem to know very little of.

your parents bought you such a nice barbie dreamhouse.

take some pictures of it so we know you're not lying.
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