What would prove GOD does/doesn't exists?

Okay, so we're going with the god of the gaps fallacy?

We don't know everything, so we cannot truly know what we've already come to understand? Give me a break.

We don't know all the mysteries of the universe, so clearly, that's where God is hiding?
I'm not fighting for either side. I'm just saying idk and neither does anyone else. Can you say with 100% that there is or isn't a "god" I'm thinking no you can't. I think at one point in time as humans we saw something we couldn't understand and described it in a way that made sense to us "gods" I don't think we are alone in the universe. Honestly its more mathematically that we aren't then we are. We just don't understand it as of now. 100 years from now who knows what we as humans will understand/ accept as reality. You don't know and I don't know. I'm not claiming to know anything the opposite exactly. We fear what we don't understand.
We are insignificant. Think about it, the earth has been here BILLIONS of years. How long have we been here as humans? We just think we are important, or special. The universe is infinite as we understand it as of now. We don't know everything. Hell we don't even know everything about this earth let alone the universe. We fear what we don't understand. Until it becomes "common" sence to the masses. At one point in time people thought the earth was flat. We still don't have 100% proof either way. So what do we know? Very little, we just think we do. I think there for I am.
You are so much more important than you know because you understand. If you were here earlier, that's why I said NOTHING Matters. But it's not what we know, but how we see things. People assume I've been limiting this to earth, when it speaks to the entire unknown universe. Read this http://weknownothing2015.wordpress.com/the-universal-truth I was shown this as the origin of the universe.
I'm not fighting for either side. I'm just saying idk and neither does anyone else. Can you say with 100% that there is or isn't a "god" I'm thinking no you can't. I think at one point in time as humans we saw something we couldn't understand and described it in a way that made sense to us "gods" I don't think we are alone in the universe. Honestly its more mathematically that we aren't then we are. We just don't understand it as of now. 100 years from now who knows what we as humans will understand/ accept as reality. You don't know and I don't know. I'm not claiming to know anything the opposite exactly. We fear what we don't understand.
I don't know, I understand & accept all that come with it
I'm not fighting for either side. I'm just saying idk and neither does anyone else. Can you say with 100% that there is or isn't a "god" I'm thinking no you can't. I think at one point in time as humans we saw something we couldn't understand and described it in a way that made sense to us "gods" I don't think we are alone in the universe. Honestly its more mathematically that we aren't then we are. We just don't understand it as of now. 100 years from now who knows what we as humans will understand/ accept as reality. You don't know and I don't know. I'm not claiming to know anything the opposite exactly. We fear what we don't understand.
I said several times we cannot disprove the existence of God in this thread. I take issue with, all the commonly defined Gods of history, we CAN disprove. Just read the texts in which they originate.

Your proposal of not being alone, well there's a difference to living beings and ethereal ones made of clouds. I don't doubt the existence of life in this universe, but I do doubt the existence of any of the previously defined Gods of history..
Okay, so we're going with the god of the gaps fallacy?

We don't know everything, so we cannot truly know what we've already come to understand? Give me a break.

We don't know all the mysteries of the universe, so clearly, that's where God is hiding?
So if/when it does reveal itself, you'll be too smart recognize when it's right in front of your face.
Either some of these gods are flesh and blood beings with highly advanced technologies as posited by the ancient astronaught crowd, or they are contradictions of their canon and to the observable laws of nature.
So if/when it does reveal itself, you'll be too smart recognize when it's right in front of your face.
First this presumes that your god is real. I'm still not sold on that.

But, I suppose if some being came crashing down through my wall obliterating my reality and whisking my away on some existential journey, I wouldn't be in any position to deny it. I would however, be in an impossible position, to PROVE it.
I said several times we cannot disprove the existence of God in this thread. I take issue with, all the commonly defined Gods of history, we CAN disprove. Just read the texts in which they originate.

Your proposal of not being alone, well there's a difference to living beings and ethereal ones made of clouds. I don't doubt the existence of life in this universe, but I do doubt the existence of any of the previously defined Gods of history..
As do I, but the fact y'all keep speaking as if I said to believe in GOD, when I said I believe in NOTHING, which turned me on to T.G.U..
This topic is about proof. That is what you put in the title, after all.

  1. 1.
    evidence or argument establishing or helping to establish a fact or the truth of a statement.
    "you will be asked to give proof of your identity"
  1. a thing that is indisputably the case.
You have established no means to prove your god, just some mumbo jumbo about this and that. I have said, and will again, we cannot disprove the existence of god. But you are making an extraordinary claim, which requires extraordinary evidence..
Either some of these gods are flesh and blood beings with highly advanced technologies as posited by the ancient astronaught crowd, or they are contradictions of their canon and to the observable laws of nature.

In a sense we are saying the same thing. They were flesh and blood but we as humans misunderstood them. Described them in a sense that made sense to us at the time. 1000s of years ago. Just like the telephone game. Take one person tell them something they tell someone else and so on, by the end you have something completely different.
Hey I'm the first to admit Ancient Aliens is a guilty pleasure of mine, but I always have a very healthy bit of skepticism about their claims.

They fall into the same trap of god of the gaps. We couldn't possibly explain how these ancient people did something, so it must have been aliens. And not only that, aliens genetically modified and interbred, blah blah, it gets a little outlandish.
First this presumes that your god is real. I'm still not sold on that.

But, I suppose if some being came crashing down through my wall obliterating my reality and whisking my away on some existential journey, I wouldn't be in any position to deny it. I would however, be in an impossible position, to PROVE it.

Thats true to. Just like bigfoot. Lol lots of people believe but no one can prove it lol. Reality is what we as humans accept it to be. Possibly the universe who knows. Maybe one day we will find out and understand.
I'm a fan to. I'm skeptical also. They know no more than the rest of us as of now. Just talk in my book. Leading to the right direction of thinking? Possibly, but we as humans will probably not find out in our lifetime. Just like growing weed. Everyone starts knowing nothing. After time and experience they learn and understand.
My proof is that no one, including me knows, hence T.G.U.. The many explanations, canons, etc. are created by man. I understand
This topic is about proof. That is what you put in the title, after all.

  1. 1.
    evidence or argument establishing or helping to establish a fact or the truth of a statement.
    "you will be asked to give proof of your identity"
  1. a thing that is indisputably the case.
You have established no means to prove your god, just some mumbo jumbo about this and that. I have said, and will again, we cannot disprove the existence of god. But you are making an extraordinary claim, which requires extraordinary evidence..
Proof is in the pudding so I guess we'll eventually see. But since you're defining things, what's the definition of wonder?
Lol, while it's not me personally defining things, that's more of a colloquial thing, over the ages. And by peeps like Websters..

  1. 1.
    a feeling of surprise mingled with admiration, caused by something beautiful, unexpected, unfamiliar, or inexplicable.
    "he had stood in front of it, observing the intricacy of the ironwork with the wonder of a child"
I fail to see the correlation though, with the proof of god having anything to do with a feeling of wonder?

Care to explain what you mean by "God", since I'm clearly going with more of a "literal" meaning of the monotheist type gods; god of abraham and krishna for example..
Everyone's reality is different. Walk a day in my shoes so to speak. You don't understand how I'm feeling just the same as I don't you. I haven't experienced the same things as you have. We think differently because of that. Same reason why everyone has different opinions on this site. Different opinions, different experiences.
In their example, a person is caught with a feeling of wonder, after gazing on the "inexplicable" (using wonder synonymously here) intricacy of the ironwork..

Well, this observer cannot explain it. But I bet if we found a blacksmith that made the ironwork, he could explain the intricacy of his work..
Everyone's experience within this shared reality is different, but reality is the same. You could argue that if I were in space traveling 90% of the speed of light, compared to your relatively slow motion on earth, that our reality is different, because our perception of time is different. But that's wrong, it's just two different observations of the same reality though.

Tinting your car windows doesn't make your world dark, you're just seeing it that way.. Step outside of the vehicle, same reality, completely different view..