12000 Watt 91 Plant Hydro Gorilla Glue #4, Lemon OG Kush, and Blueberry

You need a new guy. 400ppm in flower is too high? Did he even specify on which ppm scale? He is crazy especially for thinking 400ppm in flower in an ebb and flow system is going to give you no deficiencies. I am running veg*bloom at 1.7-1.8 Ec. If you think it's a nitrogen problem go buy a small bottle of gh grow and see if it helps.
Should I even bother with a ro system?
What size holes are in the 5 ton plenum?
Should I even bother with a ro system?
Yes. Definitly well it's up to you but most nutrient lines suggest r o water and for ph perfect you need r o water not tap water. I might use tap water when I flush but I'll probably stick to r o all the ac through that way I know there are no fluctuations with my water like city water. And I heard chlorine can kill essential bacteria in your reservoir but not 100 percent
A 5 ton AC needs a 22" supply or just open the plenum or run two 16" holes to get the best cool air out of your system
130 ppm and 7.0pH
Call advanced nutrients and ask what they say great guys there. See what they say. If it's low enough it might still keep the ph perfect tech. If you decide to go tap water then leave your water overnight before adding it in to evaporate the chlorine. But to me you spent alot alot of money on this system. Huge setup. Why go to all this length and trouble and then through tap water into the mix. Some people don't care. But personally I'll never go back to tap water unless for some reason r o water is unavailable. Just my preference
I wouldn't bother. It's not your tap water that is throwing your plants off.
Yea, I'm just not sure? Maybe the rapid pH fluctuation? That could be the tap water though because of the chemicals put in it to keep the pH high so it doesn't erode the pipes?
Yes. Definitly well it's up to you but most nutrient lines suggest r o water and for ph perfect you need r o water not tap water. I might use tap water when I flush but I'll probably stick to r o all the ac through that way I know there are no fluctuations with my water like city water. And I heard chlorine can kill essential bacteria in your reservoir but not 100 percent

yeah I don't use much tap water to begin with, most of my water comes from my ac. I have a condensation pump that feeds it to the reservoir, so I wonder if I would even need RO, because with the pure water coming from the AC I maybe use 50 gallons max if that of tap water to top off. I wonder if it would make the big of a difference I will have to check it, pretty soon I will be going to 200 gallons, that is the only reason why i'm thinking I might need the RO.

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A 5 ton AC needs a 22" supply or just open the plenum or run two 16" holes to get the best cool air out of your system

Yeah I will have to do that next time, I will have to make a new box, it keeps the room cool right now I can go all the way down to 68, obviously im not but when im drying I was

Sealed rooms...run co2 during lights on...but lights off run fresh air with intake and exhaust

Any chance you could point out a good intake and exhaust option for me?
Yea, I'm just not sure? Maybe the rapid pH fluctuation? That could be the tap water though because of the chemicals put in it to keep the pH high so it doesn't erode the pipes?
I doubt it. My water comes out of the tap at 8.6ph. I usually only get a little bit of ph fluctuation which is Normal with the plants using nutes and high levels of air being pumped in. Maybe .2 ph every couple days.
yeah I don't use much tap water to begin with, most of my water comes from my ac. I have a condensation pump that feeds it to the reservoir, so I wonder if I would even need RO, because with the pure water coming from the AC I maybe use 50 gallons max if that of tap water to top off. I wonder if it would make the big of a difference I will have to check it, pretty soon I will be going to 200 gallons, that is the only reason why i'm thinking I might need the RO.

Great idea I've been wondering that and I tested my water from my ac st like 10 ppm but I was just worried about using it.
Great idea I've been wondering that and I tested my water from my ac st like 10 ppm but I was just worried about using it.

I've been using it for years my partner told me it's suppose to be the purest you can get but you cant drink it, idk how true that is but I've always used it.
I've been using it for years my partner told me it's suppose to be the purest you can get but you cant drink it, idk how true that is but I've always used it.
Okay. It's basically distilled water. Distilled is purer and cleaner just because it's run through a clean system. But ac water is almost 0 ppm almost. The water it pulls from the air is 0 ppm but depending on how new your ac is it will have some particles in it from the machine itself. And they say don't drink k it because it's condensate water which trickle of a refrigeration system so there is a possibility of contamination action and stuff but it's pretty though. I am a millwright welder and refrigeration operator so I love incorporating these things into growing. I can't wait to see what I'm doing years down the road when everything is perfect for the way I like it
Okay. It's basically distilled water. Distilled is purer and cleaner just because it's run through a clean system. But ac water is almost 0 ppm almost. The water it pulls from the air is 0 ppm but depending on how new your ac is it will have some particles in it from the machine itself. And they say don't drink k it because it's condensate water which trickle of a refrigeration system so there is a possibility of contamination action and stuff but it's pretty though. I am a millwright welder and refrigeration operator so I love incorporating these things into growing. I can't wait to see what I'm doing years down the road when everything is perfect for the way I like it

well thank you for that clarification and like I said I been using it for years and it works great.