What makes you think Ron Paulians are gonna vote for another CFR candidate funded by the same banks that funded every other candidates except Ron Paul, JP Morgan, Chase, Morgan Stanley etc? The only Ron Paul fans that will vote for Obama are the people that jumped on the bandwagon blindly, as they do for all candidates anyways. Im writing in the name if I even show up to vote. I don't care if it doesnt count. Unfortunately when I went to vote for him in the primaries, my voter registration was conveniently misread, as I knew I had to be a republican to vote in the republican primary. They put me under Non-partisan or something and I couldnt vote for the first time ever. People should buy guns for themselves and enough ammo and throw aways as they can for their unarmed neighbors. Thats National Security.
And all the dreamers are still holding on. Hooray, vote Ron Paul, I'm all for it, let's see, 6 million R.P. supporters = 6 million votes for Obama,~LOL~. go get em R.P Lovers.