Hillary can't be trusted

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And in this forum more than once.
Where you always the stupidest kid in your class or was there some sort of brain injury?

Americans don't appear to give a fuk about the rest of the World, like itsyours to nuke and pollute as you see fit whilst the rest of us weep. Hillary is walking evil which is why Trump has a chance at potus, but it means millions of families being ripped apart for the sake of a billionaires ego, shame
Based on? Our foreign aid or the fact the we bail out and defend others significantly more than anyone.
ok bravedave, and I'd V much like this to be a discussion as opposed to a name calling pissing contest (I'm not pre judging you mate but I'm sure you've met those types on here)

Who have you defended?
ok bravedave, and I'd V much like this to be a discussion as opposed to a name calling pissing contest (I'm not pre judging you mate but I'm sure you've met those types on here)

Who have you defended?
Go look up who foots most the bill for the UN and NATO. Would the Allies have won in Germany without us? The South Koreans? If we removed our troops from Japan and cut all ties...how long before they are swallowed up by North Korea/China. Do you think Taiwan would still exist? Do you think Canada would be spending more or less in defense without us as its neighbor? Eh?
Go look up who foots most the bill for the UN and NATO. Would the Allies have won in Germany without us? The South Koreans? If we removed our troops from Japan and cut all ties...how long before they are swallowed up by North Korea/China. Do you think Taiwan would still exist? Do you think Canada would be spending more or less in defense without us as its neighbor? Eh?

And why do you foot the bill for NATO?

You outspend the world on 'defence'

NATOs latest (attempted) line of 'defence' was Ukraine

Fucking dumb and provocative.

Would the allies have won without you? Possibly.

Russia won that European battle. Not us, not You!

Stalin begged you (and us) to get more involved and we sat back to allow them to knock lumps out of each other.

Why else would we both agree to such large swathes of Europe becoming under communist rule?

Taiwan, south Korea, Japan...self interest

Please tell me how you have helped anyone that wasn't of use to you?

I mean I can point to political assassinations, training of Saddam Hussein to take over Iraq, funding him to take on Iran...who were an enemy due to operation Ajax where you removed their leader for profit...and replaced him with a guy who hanged people in the streets. When they deposed that tyrant you then set Iraq upon them and funded him.

He didn't play your game though, wouldn't become the next saudi cock sucking arabia so you had to depose him.

Regime change in lybia, Guatamala, Peru, Iraq, Syria (attempted...ongoing) Iran...all for political or business gain

Only a media fed individual would lack the balance of this knowledge and attempt to state that America is a benevolent nation coming to the aide of others
And why do you foot the bill for NATO?

You outspend the world on 'defence'

NATOs latest (attempted) line of 'defence' was Ukraine

Fucking dumb and provocative.

Would the allies have won without you? Possibly.

Russia won that European battle. Not us, not You!

Stalin begged you (and us) to get more involved and we sat back to allow them to knock lumps out of each other.

Why else would we both agree to such large swathes of Europe becoming under communist rule?

Taiwan, south Korea, Japan...self interest

Please tell me how you have helped anyone that wasn't of use to you?

I mean I can point to political assassinations, training of Saddam Hussein to take over Iraq, funding him to take on Iran...who were an enemy due to operation Ajax where you removed their leader for profit...and replaced him with a guy who hanged people in the streets. When they deposed that tyrant you then set Iraq upon them and funded him.

He didn't play your game though, wouldn't become the next saudi cock sucking arabia so you had to depose him.

Regime change in lybia, Guatamala, Peru, Iraq, Syria (attempted...ongoing) Iran...all for political or business gain

Only a media fed individual would lack the balance of this knowledge and attempt to state that America is a benevolent nation coming to the aide of others
First...where are you from?
I partly agree with him. Our country has been in the business of supplanting foreign leaders for a while now.

Not good.
And I agree with him on some of that also, but of course I was not arguing for that. As you know, lefties like to spin the argument to something they are comfortable with while also inventing your positions for you from something you did not say.
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you have been empire building for 100 years now.

You used to be proud of it, named a building after it.

After the ww2 there was a stigma attached to empires so we word things differently.

I am spinning nothing. The USA has had a policy of regime change for any leader who won't play your game, providing there are natural resources you covet.

I am from the UK
I don't consider myself a lefty

Or a right

I align myself with my family and my football team, no one else gets unquestioned support.

A lot of my views fit into the lefty camp but I just voted the uk out of the EU which, apparently, is a right wing view.

I look at facts, make my mind up...operating in any other manner makes one easy to coerce/manipulate
I don't consider myself a lefty

Or a right

I align myself with my family and my football team, no one else gets unquestioned support.

A lot of my views fit into the lefty camp but I just voted the uk out of the EU which, apparently, is a right wing view.

I look at facts, make my mind up...operating in any other manner makes one easy to coerce/manipulate
I am totally open to discuss anything.

I am curious about brexit. Any insight for us americans? Why was it that you personally decided to vote for brexit?
And I agree with him on some of that also, but of course I was not arguing for that. As you know, lefties like to spin the argument to something they are comfortable with while also inventing your positions for you from something you did not say.
Shouldnt be so quick to slap a label on people. Ask questions and debate. Don't demonize each other. Judge the assholes as assholes, not the whole group.
I am totally open to discuss anything.

I am curious about brexit. Any insight for us americans? Why was it that you personally decided to vote for brexit?

Unfortunately the brexit debate was less a debate and more of a mud slinging match.

There were two prevalent issues.

Immigration and the economy

Neither were a factor to me. I've met too many nice immigrants to want to stop them coming but space this island is obviously finite in size.
It's an issue, but not to me.

The economy; the economic 'experts' have an employer and/ or an agenda.
Those who paid any attention will recall in the wake of the financial crisis the uk and ither nations bailed out the banks with no repercussions. Iceland jailed their bankers and took a different approach.
The economic'experts' queued up to loudly claim that Iceland would spend the rest of eternity in the economic abyss.
Iceland has recovered, in relative terms, better than the uk.

So I don't believe any economic 'expert' predicting the future, it sounds to these ears as though they are fear mongering or steering for a specific outcome.

So, they were the two main issues and neither swayed me. I'll post this and then tell you my reasoning for my decision to exit
you have been empire building for 100 years now.

You used to be proud of it, named a building after it.

After the ww2 there was a stigma attached to empires so we word things differently.

I am spinning nothing. The USA has had a policy of regime change for any leader who won't play your game, providing there are natural resources you covet.

I am from the UK
Lol. So "I" am media fed. You could have pulled all that off of the leftist joke known as the BBC or al-Jazeera. Are you mad, Bro? Is it because we kicked your ass or that you needed us to save your ass? At work...may straighten out your ameriphobic thinking later. Speaking of empires though, how's the EU working out for you?
Back in the day, around 2002, no politician would discuss immigration. It was too sensitive.

People watched their entire neighbourhood change and wanted to ask what were reasonable questions.

The lack of representation lead to the rise of a right wing party...the BNP. (cunts)

As they were an offensive joke, they were surpassed by ukip. A less blatantly obvious racist bunch who started wining the conservative votes.

As a result of that, the previous government was a coalition as the Tories had lost too many votes.

In the last election, David Cameron was so desperate for total control that, to win ukip voters back, he offered the country a referendum...the one policy ukip had, the Tories adopted.

So you see, it is very long winded but in this country democracy still can work.

so onto the eu
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