Everything MMA Thread

Conner gets ko`d this time. Last fight he made the excuse of being tired or as he put it not using his energy efficiently. He connected hard nate was just able to take it, nates neck was snapping back big time. Conners eyes looked clear, as soon as nate connected in the second round conners eyes almost closed, instantly. Looked retarded and sluggish right after that punch. Literally looked terrified , nate will ko him.. easy
The UFC is so stale now. They're cards are so watered down. Overexposure, CTE and the lack of new talent will be it's undoing. Dana and his bro's cashed out.
Only six more days until!!
I'd like to see one more match lol, noons is pretty savage with his striking but i think diaz could have easily caught him if nick would have just gave up his south paw against noons. kjdiaz1.jpg
Fucking knee to the eye was gnarly lol
nick only lost the first fight because the doctor stopped it due to the cut. Diaz worked noons in the rematch.
Lol sucks for nick and his scar tissue, that's a preventable loss on his part. The rematch was whatever, not enough action. Diaz should have submitted noons ect im surprised it ended in a decision with a nobody like noons which is why i would like to see a rematch once more lol.