HPS lamp setup??


Active Member
Advice pls.

I want to re-arrange my HPS lighting setup and just want to hang the lamps and holders down from the top of my grow room. The lamps i've purchased in the past come in a 'housing' and there is a weighty transformer and some other electrical components i know nothing about. (my electrical knowledge is a complete nitemare)

Whats the best way to just have minimal weight and size when using HPS lighting? I have seen images on this site which just shows the lamp hanging all alone in its holder... hows this done? Do i just wire the lamp holder up to the supply or do they need these igniters or transformers or whatever it may be in my units???????!!!!!



Well-Known Member
DSC00199.jpgusually the ballast is kept ouside the grow room to keep heat down is probably why you dont see it. i keep my ballast on top of my grow room


Well-Known Member
Advice pls.

Whats the best way to just have minimal weight and size when using HPS lighting? I have seen images on this site which just shows the lamp hanging all alone in its holder... hows this done?
you hang the bulb and enclosure alone. there should be a cord from the ligt fixture to the ballast and one from the ballast to the power supply.


Well-Known Member
Advice pls.

I want to re-arrange my HPS lighting setup and just want to hang the lamps and holders down from the top of my grow room. The lamps i've purchased in the past come in a 'housing' and there is a weighty transformer and some other electrical components i know nothing about. (my electrical knowledge is a complete nitemare)

Whats the best way to just have minimal weight and size when using HPS lighting? I have seen images on this site which just shows the lamp hanging all alone in its holder... hows this done? Do i just wire the lamp holder up to the supply or do they need these igniters or transformers or whatever it may be in my units???????!!!!!


If your ballast and light assembly are 1 unit, you're gonna have to separate them.
I have heard that the distance between the socket/bulb and the ignitor has to be so many feet max. I have 20' of wire (dual strand) between my reflector and ballast (ignitor is in the ballast) with no problems.
Find yourself some really supple wire 14ga preferably, but 16ga will do. That will go in between your ballast and socket. Simple really. No need to ground the reflector.

Here I used 16 ga extention cord:


Well-Known Member
the hood and the bulb detach easily with some unsrewing and reiwirng with these included plastic wire connectors, ull see when u open it up. when u have done that u got left a ballast a ten foot cord and at the end of that ur bulb in special x socket. hang that. its cake. the cool tube can be altered or made diy to hang vertical and still cool ur light, some guy on here has an awesome 400 wat stadium setup with light hanging like u want and the plants in a circle. i wanna try stadium style one day keep posting!


Well-Known Member
LOVE THE DOG LAST PIRATE, grew up with 2 huskies, still got one she still kicking.

He's a piece of work. Thanx. The vet has him down as a malamute/sheperd mix. In reality, he's about as pure as they come in the wild. We got him at about 4 months old from some friends up on the RedWing Indian reservation, who found him after his mother was killed.
Truly the most amazing animal I have had the pleasure of encountering. These guys DEFINATELY have gotten a raw deal thru the years.