Hs Random Jibber Jabber

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The worse thing about fat bitches, there boobs. A fat bitch big boob just isn't the same as a skinny bitch big boob. Fuck I might as well be looking at my fat brothers boobs you fat bitch, loose some fucking weight.

Then you have the skinny bitch that turned into a fat sack of shit but still has the I'm skinny so I can be a cunt attitude. Look bitch, your one donut away from only being able to date black guys. Slut!
Lol. You guys are funny when you fight.
And yes. Skinny chicks with big boobs are different and better that fat chicks with big boobs. Alot better. Totally different balls in game.
And that.attitude thing is funny as shit. I would say something to them. But I'd rather laugh at em.
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