Milwaukee riots

Who took the bet and what did that person bet?

It's pretty much a given at this point that Hillary will be the next POTUS.

I hope nitro is still alive, so when Hillary becomes POTUS he can lose a bet like a man. Then he can die right after if it pleases himself.

trump wins, i leave. hillary wins, bluntmassa leaves.

in other words, bluntmassa and his neverending stupidity will be gone within 3 months.

you're welcome, RIU.
nothing in this thread shows that they were BLM. Sounds like you are once again...making shit up

Lol, you act like BLM has membership cards and isn't mostly mobs springing up and rioting/protesting/blocking traffic/accosting passerbys with a few "leaders" who happen to own bullhorns.

BLM is a state of mind, primarily unhinged and devoid of reality, with a dash of the snowflake victimhood industry thrown in for good measure. It isn't even a movement, it's a fart. It will quickly dissipate and only a few will remember the smell, just like the deluded idiots who populated occupy wallstreet.
You guys are all fags....
Buck needs to just come out & say "i hate white people & suck black dicks, so what? Sue me!" lol
And all you racist white privelaged trump supporters need to grab your nutts stand up to brothaman & say "fuck you!....your goddamn right im racist!"

Lol.....i in NO way support law enforcement. I MEAN....NO WAY!

But shit......half them fuckers ida shot too! Dont care what color they are......i hate everybody! #nolivesmatter!
That's what I'm talking about. Honesty... Although I see it completely different, love it or hate it, truth is #NOTHINGMatters
Lol, you act like BLM has membership cards and isn't mostly mobs springing up and rioting/protesting/blocking traffic/accosting passerbys with a few "leaders" who happen to own bullhorns.

BLM is a state of mind, primarily unhinged and devoid of reality, with a dash of the snowflake victimhood industry thrown in for good measure. It isn't even a movement, it's a fart. It will quickly dissipate and only a few will remember the smell, just like the deluded idiots who populated occupy wallstreet.
You're right, but not for any of the reason you explained. Who was being killed on wall st.? It's amazing that no one tries to see the others perspective. By the way, none of us will like the outcome.
You guys are all fags....
Buck needs to just come out & say "i hate white people & suck black dicks, so what? Sue me!" lol
And all you racist white privelaged trump supporters need to grab your nutts stand up to brothaman & say "fuck you!....your goddamn right im racist!"

Lol.....i in NO way support law enforcement. I MEAN....NO WAY!

But shit......half them fuckers ida shot too! Dont care what color they are......i hate everybody! #nolivesmatter!
Lack of originality is fun.

that must be why you blatantly parrot white supremacists who call liberals "suicidal".

Screenshot 2016-08-15 at 5.54.14 PM.png

Man, I think I could fill three pages up with the delusional, suicidal beliefs of the typical liberal. Liberalism is a MENTAL DISORDER.
most of them are race baiting, class warfare rhetoric spewing, LIBERAL douchebags that are true believers in the suicidal, progressive agenda bullshit
Suicidal Progressive
You just can't make up this kind of suicidal liberal stupidity.

why do you speak in exactly the same way as the white supremacists do?
Well, after see4's success taking my "make me a turkey pot pie, bitch" line, I thought I'd give it a whirl. Lack of originality is fun.
Your feelings are hurt because I called you out for being unoriginal. Man up and get me out of your head. And when you're done trying to do that, go make me a god damn sammich. You're my bitch, and you need to make me a fucking sammich.
trump wins, i leave. hillary wins, bluntmassa leaves.

in other words, bluntmassa and his neverending stupidity will be gone within 3 months.

you're welcome, RIU.

So when Hillary wins, bluntmassa and nitro are gone? Or they will forever be labeled cowards and cheats?