Powdery mildew question HELP

BiG $m0k3

Active Member
So I'm going to spray my plants today to get rid of the mildew. My question is should I spray my entire tent with the mildew killing spray? Do I also have to wipe down my light and ocillating fan because the spores could have got on it. Even my exhaust fan and the ducting? does all that need to get sprayed down at the slightest sign of powdery mildew? Seems like a bitch. Thanks
So I'm going to spray my plants today to get rid of the mildew. My question is should I spray my entire tent with the mildew killing spray? Do I also have to wipe down my light and ocillating fan because the spores could have got on it. Even my exhaust fan and the ducting? does all that need to get sprayed down at the slightest sign of powdery mildew? Seems like a bitch. Thanks
Yes it does. To bad you cant take the plants out to spray and sulfur burn the tent after you scrub the slut. Do it right bro. Powder mold is the worst.
Yes it does. To bad you cant take the plants out to spray and sulfur burn the tent after you scrub the slut. Do it right bro. Powder mold is the worst.
After I spray the powdery mildew off is it supposed to leave some type of stain from where the powdery mildew was. Not really a stain but something that you could tell something was there before. Like a little gray discoloration of where the mildew was but I physically washed the mildew off.
After I spray the powdery mildew off is it supposed to leave some type of stain from where the powdery mildew was. Not really a stain but something that you could tell something was there before. Like a little gray discoloration of where the mildew was but I physically washed the mildew off.
Man im not sure. I sprayed some green cure i think it was on some outdoor plants couple years ago. I don't remember if it left a residue if thats what your talking about. Some one will know here. I do know they call to wash off other sprays like mighty wash, but I'm not sure if your supposed to spray off a fungicide when your dealing with powder. Someone will let you know. If you hear nothing then just keep adding to your thread and ask questions or let us know your findings on what you did. Someones always here to help.
if you can't control ur humidity then chems is your only re course

PM is no biggy

in fact good training for when the real shit happens

in most instances growers them selves set off the grow routine

by over watering even encouraging a hi humidity with low-ish temps

pour on your chems, but the real question has to be asked

what u gonna do when the Pythium angle returns ....Bigtime?

imo lower the water intake to survival level, clean fans and gear with hotwater and bleach

above all start the cold pressed neem oil machine now

good luck
Diluted lemon juice or neem will get rid of pm .you don't need chemicals.

Definitely never sulfur burn. The sulfur dioxide it creates is highly toxic
Where did the powdery mildew come from in the first place? My humidity never goes above 65. My temperature never goes above 80. I have a strong enough exhaust fan. I have one oscillating fan. I have 4x4 tent. I thought I was doing everything I was supposed to but yet I still got powdery mildew. I thought as long as I have good air flow and a strong exhaust fan but wouldn't get powdery mildew. I'm following all the rules and I still got it. The recommended humidity to be 60 to 70 in vegetative. So what did I do wrong?
Where did the powdery mildew come from in the first place? My humidity never goes above 65. My temperature never goes above 80. I have a strong enough exhaust fan. I have one oscillating fan. I have 4x4 tent. I thought I was doing everything I was supposed to but yet I still got powdery mildew. I thought as long as I have good air flow and a strong exhaust fan but wouldn't get powdery mildew. I'm following all the rules and I still got it. The recommended humidity to be 60 to 70 in vegetative. So what did I do wrong?

I would never allow my humidity to get anywhere near 65% unless it was a seedling or a cutting. 60% is the absolute maximum for me in any other state or age veg included, and even then I get a bit nervous. By the time you get to flowering, it should be down to 45% or so.

There is a distinct possibility that something you put into the tent already had spores on it, and then the really warm temperatures and good humidity brought them to life. That's normally how it happens. It could have come in on anything...a bottle, pot or soil you had used before, a rag you wiped something with, anything.
Ok thanks. So the spores are usually everywhere. It just takes the right conditions to make the spores become active correct? So i should keep my veg at 50%? Then 45% for flowering.
Ok thanks. So the spores are usually everywhere. It just takes the right conditions to make the spores become active correct? So i should keep my veg at 50%? Then 45% for flowering.

They COULD be anywhere, not necessarily ARE everywhere.

And yea. Once you get into veg proper, I'd drop to 60% at the very most. 55% would be really cool. Once you go to flower, get it down to 50% at most, 45% would be better. You can go lower, but you really don't want to go any higher.
Up here in the PNW, the spores are everywhere

Keep it dry, and watch your overnight humidity and ventilation. When the lights go off, temperatures drop and humidity rises. I only got PM indoors once, and I wasn't running exhaust during the dark period.
Ok thanks. So the spores are usually everywhere. It just takes the right conditions to make the spores become active correct? So i should keep my veg at 50%? Then 45% for flowering.
not at all. ive had it a total of 3 times in 20+ years and can trace it to dirty clones every time

id personally clear the room out, take cuttings, eagle 20 them, and let them be your moms

nasty shit but it works 100% and is fine to use esp for clones you'll be growing to moms to take cuts from later. dont use it on anything even close to flowering. dip it dont spray it to prevent exposure to yourself
not at all. ive had it a total of 3 times in 20+ years and can trace it to dirty clones every time

id personally clear the room out, take cuttings, eagle 20 them, and let them be your moms

nasty shit but it works 100% and is fine to use esp for clones you'll be growing to moms to take cuts from later. dont use it on anything even close to flowering. dip it dont spray it to prevent exposure to yourself
I dipped my clones in floramite before I planted them. Would the floramite have killed the spores when I dipped the Clones? Or is that just for spider mites?
Pm is like herpes for plants. If you're going to take clones of the plants you have now you will always have pm. It's just a matter of the right environment for it to flare up.

If you got clones from someone they could have already been infected with pm as well.