Grow it to Mars


Well-Known Member
Olive Drab thanks man i just had a buddy tell me to do full strength and just flush every week i saw his grow so i thought maybe i could replicate his grow but i had no idea what soil he was using maybe thats my mistake.

Olive Drab Green

Well-Known Member
Olive Drab thanks man i just had a buddy tell me to do full strength and just flush every week i saw his grow so i thought maybe i could replicate his grow but i had no idea what soil he was using maybe thats my mistake.
It's cool, man. I use mostly soilless stuff, myself. Currently using Roots Organic Formula 707. It said it has greater water holding capacity, and it does, but I'm finding that it also drains exceptionally well, despite less pumice and perlite. There's apparently just enough of it. My old stuff that I used for my first cycle up until this one has been Nature's Care. I've done really well with it, but wanted to give other stuff a try.

Point is, you might have better luck with a great, mostly neutral soilless mix (mine is peat-based with coco, pumice, perlite, and tons of other shit) that you can mix up yourself as you transplant.
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Well-Known Member
Just dropping a little update nothing special. Here is a pic of how they look at the moment.20160814_190348.jpg


Well-Known Member
image.jpeg Excellent for vegging the Mars hydro I have a nice super lemon haze ,under mine and its shooting up,I post when it has filled the scrog table,at the minute looks like a cyclon has just passed through tent,one from 6 days ago ,I try and get a photo of it today just before sun comes up in tent.Don't like waking her up while she's asleep.
Set two blue dream ,off yesterday for the next grow,in this tent.I will pick the best one,out the two
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Well-Known Member
So i have been SLACKING with my posts like HARD CORE so here is were we are 4th week of flower20161025_160922.jpg 20161025_160937.jpg 20161025_160942.jpg 20161025_160948.jpg 20161025_160954.jpg 20161025_161013.jpg


Well-Known Member
Hey man, nice grow... ,See the way some of the leaf tips are turned down... starting to form a claw..
This could very possibly be from too much nitrogen...


Well-Known Member
I don't know if that was from my window ac unit getting unplugged the other day or if when I messed up with feeding but still growing strong

