Hey guys, new here and would like some help for first time grow.


New Member
Hey, gotta say this looks like a great forum with some serious growers. So.. me and my wife decided, not long ago, to try and grow our first plant, especially since buying weed is a heavy burden on our bank account.

Since we did it kinda spontaneously, I hadn't much time to make research. It's been 6 weeks since we planted.
I placed it in our bedroom, under an 80W fluorescent bulb, seen in the pictures. It currently measures 50cm between the bulb and the top of the plant.

I use a fertilizer that I picked from my grandpa, he's using it for our garden and is pretty experienced at gardening. I have no idea what it actually contains, I only know it contains 7 different minerals. It looks pretty much like this:

I think the plant looks a bit lame for a 6 week growth, so here are a few questions:

1. The leaves at the bottom are dying, I already chopped off the first 2 leaves from the plant since they looked kinda sick and starting going brownish. Now the 2 bottom leaves are turning yellow again.

2. I'm not sure about ventilation. I turn on the A/C occasionally to keep the temp between 25-30 degrees(Celsius) in the room, but since it's only one plant in a 10 cubic meters room, I never assumed it actually needs some constant ventilation. Should I add any?

3. I used the fertilizer only twice, because at first I added an extremely high amount of it, then for the next watering I just added water, and it dries out very slowly(like once a week or more). How can I know if I should increase or decrease the amount I'm adding?

Thanks. Might look like a stupid thread comparing to all those nice yields around the forum, but we all gotta start somewhere:roll:

Thanks in advance, any reply will be appreciated!



Well-Known Member
I'm not an experienced grower by anymeans, but the light needs to be closer to the plant (probably why the lower leaves are dying) and you need more light output. 80w isn't nearly enough IMO. Plant looks good otherwise.


Well-Known Member
Like they bough said.. Lights way too far away and it's nowhere near enough..can't really say anything about your nutes because you don't even know what they are.


Well-Known Member
go buy a good light the plant at 6 weeks old should be 18 inchs tall or more and should be in flower mode now. unless your going to grow a huge plant. I like fabric pots helps with air to root and keeps it from root bound also helps newbies from over watering them get a good soil like fox farm put in no need to fertilize for around 6 weeks if any imoa 3 gal,fabric pot, fox farm soil,150 or 200 or 400 watt all in one switchable ballist 1 mh bulb1 hps bulb cheap fan to blow on plant for air movement an to make plant strong to hold buds later on next an exhaust fan and if you live near people figure on a carbon filter for odor control go to hydroponic supply store online and other places to see what im talking about before buying a lot of stuff you really don't need or can find some where else a lot cheaper good luck hope this helps


New Member
Thanks for all your replies. I instantly increased the height of the plant and will soon go find a stronger bulb, I figured 80W is enough because I've seen growers use 2-3 20W fluorescent bulbs around the web.
I'll make better preparations for the next plant, that's for sure.
About the smell, how badly does a plant smell before harvest? My neighbors garden is just a few meters from the growing room, will they be able to smell it?

Ventilation - Is it crucial to constantly bring fresh air into the room or an open window will do? I'll also put a small fan directly over the plant to keep air moving.