MaiNiaK Mountain 2016 Outdoor Expedition

that sucks dude I have had loggers build roads right thur plots they didn't touch the plants I ended up tearing them out hope u got enough land on top clear cut or general harvest

Clear cut. Slash and trash..!!

We own just under 45 acres. The lot to my right and the face of the steep part above me is 154 acres. The harvesters will make short work of that.
Behind me to the left is 80 acres being cut with a skidded, family operation. They'll be a little kinder to the land. (They live next mnt down)

It does suck to see it happen.
On a positive I'll scoop up the 154 when their done cheap.
Clear cut. Slash and trash..!!

We own just under 45 acres. The lot to my right and the face of the steep part above me is 154 acres. The harvesters will make short work of that.
Behind me to the left is 80 acres being cut with a skidded, family operation. They'll be a little kinder to the land. (They live next mnt down)

It does suck to see it happen.
On a positive I'll scoop up the 154 when their done cheap.
ya that's what they do clear it and sell cheap5 yr it be jungle again
Already talked to the guy that bought the 154 to cut. He's happy as shit he won't have to sit on this piece and try to unload it.

No more Farm (medical) on our taxes. I told the lady at the tax place I'll bounce if she puts it down like that again, Farm (other) all day.....!!

@thumper60 lol
my accountant put my greenhouse down as medical grow also not again
The only place in the world that still uses checks is the backwards ass USA. Useless shit. I hadn't seen a check in years and I won't see one either.