Hs Random Jibber Jabber

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Were in a sense just sitting around and shooting the breeze, venting your spleen, bulling the shit... Oh i mean bullshitting obviously. Like passing the time and trying to also talk about psychedelics and drugs that aren't just

Bro i got some kush man that shit had me fucked up

Me and my boys just smoked hella Ls on that brt.

My roommates asked me to turn it down cause the weeds too loud.

Hey friend, i just received some really high grade marijuana flowers, and since i have no way of telling if they are genetically from the kush plateau, or hydroponically grown, im just gonna say it looks like (indica/sativa) and is really good quality.

Some of my male friends and i went for a drive, and while there partook in a copious amount of marijuana consumption.

The marijuana terpenes are extremely potent in the batch of flowers i received and my living cohabitants are complaining.

Instead wed rather hear about how you got fucked up on acid, or took too much cocaine and stayed up all night and have and adventure to tell.
Whatever happened to @undercoverfbi i loved reading his posts he was so random.

I insnuffulated 261 mg of a substance yesterday and on a scale of 1-10 i got to like maybe 1.5 lol tripped for maybe 4 hours, 5 hours max. Snorted 162 mg 2cn, went to play cards and 1 hour later came and snorted 99 mg 2cn finished playing cards and went to bed. While in bed i saw faint dark colored mandala shaped patterns that were fairly symmetrical and moving. They were dark colors like a dark red or blue on black
yes because you're posts are soo fucking interesting and entertaining

aww thank you..

but what does my being entertaining and interesting have to do with you not being able to understand the words random jibber jabber.
or did i miss something..you were joking? your not completely inept?

to be clear. first post was kinda joking..also i realize im a little unbecoming, im nervous waiting for this drug deal
Every single time i roll a blunt i accidentally smush it flat if i put it in my pocket. I dont if im tripping though. Weirdddd

^no im not trying to show off a small amount of money..just went with the story

so not exactly a good meet..
super nervous and uncomfortable, i always go with my gut, but trying to expand.

i dont even know what im getting, amount or product
ah fuck

supposedly i got 4 on some benzo, zannie or kpin., and some opiate im thinking hydro 10/325

$50 for the meet n greet, try and get the ball rolling you know. new territory, like takin a hit off a new dealers blunt, gotta do it.

so ill either be one happy qwiso, with product and quantity.. an unhappy qwiso with just product... a mad qwiso if the deal doesnt fall through..and a pissed qwiso if i wind up locked up

so let it be known... qwiso loves you

if i dont reply in ~2.5hrs
daddy just went to the store to pick up some milk

91miles from the spot..
ugh why do i do this.
o ill either be one happy qwiso, with product and quantity.. an unhappy qwiso with just product... a mad qwiso if the deal doesnt fall through..and a pissed qwiso if i wind up locked up

i choose b.)
however, got a new plug and custies, which was the whole point.. im finna be high as shit.

pics and product description.......
idk 3-4hrs


i popped a few pills, bout to smoke this primo..
lets get it
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