Two main branches affected, other branches healthy ??


I just came back from vacation and noticed that only 2 main branches show this weird growth. Anyone know what is it? Could it be snail damage or deficiency of something? It's outdoor bagseed. The lower leaves just yellow and dry up. First image is the affected one and second is like all other branches. Also the affected ones show slow growth and won'tstretch.Thanks!

ganga gurl420

Well-Known Member
First of's in flower. Main Stretching has already happened and growth will slow down now. Second I would personally hit it with some cal mag and a mid to light dose of plant food for veg. Needs some nitrogen but just not a lot of it since it is starting to bud.

Other then for sure the cal mag that won't hurt if given I would check ph as well.


Well-Known Member
I just came back from vacation and noticed that only 2 main branches show this weird growth. Anyone know what is it? Could it be snail damage or deficiency of something? It's outdoor bagseed. The lower leaves just yellow and dry up. First image is the affected one and second is like all other branches. Also the affected ones show slow growth and won'tstretch.Thanks!
Hope you have a late frost, those are some serious sativa leaves


Well-Known Member
by the looks of those leaves and what stage you're at you got a long flowering period ahead of you, better hope that frost doesn't come any earlier or you'll be pulling them before they are done for sure


Hope you have a late frost, those are some serious sativa leaves
The leaves used to be broader when it was inside, then started narrowing when transplanted outside, what does that mean?
Sorry for asking so much but I want to learn as much as i can for next year :)