SomeGuy's LED & Other Grows. 2014-15 Season

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OH! Things are much bigger in the gh. been blowing up. a few are actually done. So I know for a fact the indica dominant clones I put out went straight to flower with 14-15hrs of light. Everything else is still 1-2 weeks away and seems on time for when I started covering.

I will say this. I am learning a TON this year and making the most of it for sure.
Nice Job on the gro just skimmed yer thread , but damn loooks great
That fast flowering happened to my G/H as well the indy leaners went straight into flower & stayed that way
the colas are growing fast atm
the rest are over 50% sativa & they are just now setting bud sites
the IBL's are even behind that by a few days
a male showed balls as well
that lite looks legit , I wish that was arounf 3 years ago when i flushed cash like that on a mars
So... sucks. Had my first panic attack yesterday in like 6month or so. It was a bad one... everyone left work, I was alone, and then it just took me down. I was on the second floor shop in the theatre. Lasted two hours. Pretty sure I was close to passing out. My wife had to come out w my pills and help me get through it.

Today I feel sore, tired, and miserable. Back at work. Very foggy and literally on the verge again. At least brought the pills w me this time.
So... sucks. Had my first panic attack yesterday in like 6month or so. It was a bad one... everyone left work, I was alone, and then it just took me down. I was on the second floor shop in the theatre. Lasted two hours. Pretty sure I was close to passing out. My wife had to come out w my pills and help me get through it.

Today I feel sore, tired, and miserable. Back at work. Very foggy and literally on the verge again. At least brought the pills w me this time.
If you dont mind me asking, why do you get panic attacks?
That's brutal SG, hang in there. I learned about panic attacks when I thought I was getting them, but mine were considered high grade anxiety attacks. They were situational, and only left me speechless with difficulty breathing, and lasted less than 30 minutes. It happened mostly in my 20's, its been a while. It is a very strange feeling to be overcome by something you can't control. For years I would have nightmares that aliens or spirits possessed my body and took over, because that's what it felt like to loose control. I wonder how many people truly understand what it means that our entire experience of reality if fabricated in our minds, and if something in there shifts, we find ourselves in a different world.
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I'm not 100% sure why tbh. Increase in stress probably. Inevitably depression and tearfulness follow attacks for me. Which only serve to make me more prone to another.

Yeah... literally no control once it takes over. Unfortunately mine are completely overwhelming. Whole body buzzez, go completely cold and can hardly breathe. So the are not only devastating but embarrassing.

Having tearfulness now for zero reason... sucks
If you dont mind me asking, why do you get panic attacks?
Cuz hes a puss! LOL I only say that because he and I have shared in depth with each other about panic attacks. @SomeGuy get a mini ziplock, put 1 or 2 ativans in it and keep it in your wallet. I have one! Oh and its got a few viagra in it too cuz you never know :) That, and having a supply in every vehicle. I haven't had an attack in ages, but man I don't know what I would do if I didn't have them on the ready.
I'm not 100% sure why tbh. Increase in stress probably. Inevitably depression and tearfulness follow attacks for me. Which only serve to make me more prone to another.

Yeah... literally no control once it takes over. Unfortunately mine are completely overwhelming. Whole body buzzez, go completely cold and can hardly breathe. So the are not only devastating but embarrassing.

Having tearfulness now for zero reason... sucks

I'm sorry to hear it, for what it's worth you've always come across pretty cheerful and upbeat.

Here's giving you some of those good vibes back, and it's important to 'be gentle with thyself', as a close friend always told me.

So go get a steak, see a comedy act- or just read some of the shit in toke n talk lol
Cuz hes a puss! LOL I only say that because he and I have shared in depth with each other about panic attacks. @SomeGuy get a mini ziplock, put 1 or 2 ativans in it and keep it in your wallet. I have one! Oh and its got a few viagra in it too cuz you never know :) That, and having a supply in every vehicle. I haven't had an attack in ages, but man I don't know what I would do if I didn't have them on the ready.

Having them handy is a safety blanket, that's actually a great strategy. Just don't suddenly remember you forgot them lol
Oh wait no, I just had an attack a few weeks ago! Damn old age... My wife and I were going to an early dinner at a sushi place. It was hot as fuck that day and I was smoking in the car while I drove there. It was my first smoke of the day and can hit me hard sometimes. So by the time we got from the car to door, in the heat, I was like holy fuck I'm high. We get in the restaurant and its fuckin packed. I don't like big crowds, especially when Im starting to wig on some green fever. Luckily I'm able to tell my wife anything and everything so I told her Im starting to freak out. She said do you want me to get your ativan from the car? (didn't have the wallet) and I said no. She said well do you want to get it? I said no... I'm afraid if I try to walk out myself I won't make it to the door without passing out and I don't want you to go because I don't want to be alone. LOL So I said just hold my hand for a bit... I put my head down and after about 5 minutes I decided Id rather risk dying while she went and got them from the car. I didn't open my eyes once from the time she got up till she got back, felt like an eternity. I also recommend chewing them when u need it in a hurry! Anyways, just wanted to share that with ya'll ;)
Cuz hes a puss! LOL I only say that because he and I have shared in depth with each other about panic attacks. @SomeGuy get a mini ziplock, put 1 or 2 ativans in it and keep it in your wallet. I have one! Oh and its got a few viagra in it too cuz you never know :) That, and having a supply in every vehicle. I haven't had an attack in ages, but man I don't know what I would do if I didn't have them on the ready.

I was carrying one with me everyday for a long while. Then I wasn't having problems and haven't been carrying it for months... Needless to say I am carrying...

I wish I had more warning, and more control... but I dont.
Oh wait no, I just had an attack a few weeks ago! Damn old age... My wife and I were going to an early dinner at a sushi place. It was hot as fuck that day and I was smoking in the car while I drove there. It was my first smoke of the day and can hit me hard sometimes. So by the time we got from the car to door, in the heat, I was like holy fuck I'm high. We get in the restaurant and its fuckin packed. I don't like big crowds, especially when Im starting to wig on some green fever. Luckily I'm able to tell my wife anything and everything so I told her Im starting to freak out. She said do you want me to get your ativan from the car? (didn't have the wallet) and I said no. She said well you do want to get it? I said no... I'm afraid if I try to walk out myself I won't make it to the door without passing out and I don't want you to go because I don't want to be alone. LOL So I said just hold my hand for a bit... I put my head down and after about 5 minutes I decided Id rather risk dying while she went and got them from the car. I didn't open my eyes once from the time she got up till she got back, felt like an eternity. I also recommend chewing them when u need it in a hurry! Anyways, just wanted to share that with ya'll ;)

um... yea... I can relate 100%. I chewed one when she got here with them and then another 1/2 of one 30min later. 2+ hours of attack has knocked me back good though.
I'm sorry to hear it, for what it's worth you've always come across pretty cheerful and upbeat.

Here's giving you some of those good vibes back, and it's important to 'be gentle with thyself', as a close friend always told me.

So go get a steak, see a comedy act- or just read some of the shit in toke n talk lol

I am upbeat type of person. When an attack takes me I usually experience depression there after from it. sometimes bringing on another. It will pass again in time. I just wish I had it more dialed on recognizing when its going to take me..
Part of the experience of a panic attack (or even a whitey from smoking) is the bodies natural reaction to adrenalin and overbreathing. It takes all of our blood to the head leaving the rest of the body with nothing, leaving us weak and cold. Also spasms the diafragm making it impossible to breath other than shallow and fast. This leads paradoxically to less oxygen in the blood as the blood loses CO2 changes its PH, leaving us faint dizzy and w pins and needles everywhere.
The physiology doesnt really describe the subjective experience of it, i know. I hope this doesnt sound preachy or lecturing, but knowing what happens gives you some sense of control. If/when it happens get horizontal or leggs up, if you cant control your breathing,breath in a bag. Fuck stigma, if people are judgy its their problem, just do what u need to get right. Being tearfull? Im every day, even right now. Just part of knowing your heart isalive and beating. And remember its mostly about O2, CO2 and Ph, just like the grow:) I really hope you feel better. And losing control is not a bad thing, a lot of people spend a life time trying:wink: Take care
Part of the experience of a panic attack (or even a whitey from smoking) is the bodies natural reaction to adrenalin and overbreathing. It takes all of our blood to the head leaving the rest of the body with nothing, leaving us weak and cold. Also spasms the diafragm making it impossible to breath other than shallow and fast. This leads paradoxically to less oxygen in the blood as the blood loses CO2 changes its PH, leaving us faint dizzy and w pins and needles everywhere.
The physiology doesnt really describe the subjective experience of it, i know. I hope this doesnt sound preachy or lecturing, but knowing what happens gives you some sense of control. If/when it happens get horizontal or leggs up, if you cant control your breathing,breath in a bag. Fuck stigma, if people are judgy its their problem, just do what u need to get right. Being tearfull? Im every day, even right now. Just part of knowing your heart isalive and beating. And remember its mostly about O2, CO2 and Ph, just like the grow:) I really hope you feel better. And losing control is not a bad thing, a lot of people spend a life time trying:wink: Take care

Thanks. I am aware of the physiology and still it is scary beyond belief. I was a grade A-1 boyscout and treat myself for shock etc.. Unfortunately I am rendered somewhat paralized by attacks also. Really, it is so shitty. I hate the intermittent tearfulness that comes in the days afterwards . I even know quite well I am not alone and that a TON of other men have this going on. It pisses me off the most that my mind, and awareness, are unable to mitigate the effects.

The worst is being here at work feeling tearful and not wanting to let on or be seen. Ill be heading home soon as i can.
Dont buy into this shit that its not ok or weak for a man to have a panic attack.
Real strength is facing this kind of stuff with a straight face and no stigma. I reckon youre never stronger than when you show yourself in your "weakest" state with a straight face. F*ck the whole bro/macho culture, its not doing anyone any favors...
Cuz hes a puss! LOL I only say that because he and I have shared in depth with each other about panic attacks. @SomeGuy get a mini ziplock, put 1 or 2 ativans in it and keep it in your wallet. I have one! Oh and its got a few viagra in it too cuz you never know :) That, and having a supply in every vehicle. I haven't had an attack in ages, but man I don't know what I would do if I didn't have them on the ready.
Yup had them all my life & knowing what was happening (early on ) & knowing I was Prepared
That let me learn control & now it only happens on Really heady sativa's & then getting bad news
Thanks. I am aware of the physiology and still it is scary beyond belief. I was a grade A-1 boyscout and treat myself for shock etc.. Unfortunately I am rendered somewhat paralized by attacks also. Really, it is so shitty. I hate the intermittent tearfulness that comes in the days afterwards . I even know quite well I am not alone and that a TON of other men have this going on. It pisses me off the most that my mind, and awareness, are unable to mitigate the effects.

The worst is being here at work feeling tearful and not wanting to let on or be seen. Ill be heading home soon as i can.

You can't out-think emotion, unfortunately. The physiological/chemical changes in your body are monstrous barriers to that. Thank god for medications, eh? DBT may prove to help move past episodes faster (researchers are finding it a surprisingly powerful tool in a number of emotional disregulation issues) and there may be some commonality to triggers that you can identify and try to avoid, but the bottom line is when it hits you're fucked and it just sucks.

And I know what you mean by not showing weakness at work - and you can't simply over medicate there to get thru. No one would expect ya to run a 5K with a broken leg, but too many people do not understand you can't simply "snap out of it!".

Sending major good juju to ya bud, with hopes for a quick rebound
Oh sorry to hear that happened. I'm sure it's scary when it does happen. When I collapsed at chalice that scared the shit out of me and that's nothing compared to a panic attack.

Well I hope you are feeling better and all smiles . Like you told me you have to take yourself. Its no joke getting older. Just take things a little slower. Try not to cram so much into one day.
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