Picture of your pet thread !!!


Here is my puppy Dennis. He is a special needs dog, and also a total cunt destroyer.
Very few people like horse meat except for the French who have excellent palates except when it comes to horse meat which is quite diseased, very Rancid, and the bordering countries find it quite disgusting...
No, actually they eat it here and I am famous on RIU for sampling it by accident.

Trust me, I'm fully European, half EU & half UK.
I'm not sure who you're referring to when you say we eat it here, but all the kill pens in the United States send the horses to either Mexico or up to Canada for Slaughter and processing. and then the meat gets shipped to France Japan and a small amount goes to Belgium. Meat that is diseased, where such poor quality that it can't be labeled adequate for human consumption becomes meat for other animals such as Zoo's.
In many states in this country eating horse meat is illegal, restaurants get so much flack if they serve it that they usually do not bother, however there probably are a few people that will actually take a horse that has died of theirs and eat it rather burying it. Most Europeans do not like to eat horse meat and do not look kindly upon those that do, although they do have slaughterhouses and also export the horse meat out of their country to countries that do consume horse meat and to the zoos and other various people that use horse meat to feed animals.
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I'm not sure who you're referring to when you say we eat it here, but all the kill pens in the United States send the horses to either Mexico or up to Canada for Slaughter and processing. and then the meat gets shipped to France Japan and a small amount goes to Belgium. Meat that is diseased, where such poor quality that it can't be labeled adequate for human consumption becomes meat for other animals such as Zoo's.
In virtually all states in this country eating horse meat is illegal, however there probably are a few people that will actually take a horse that has died of theirs and eat it rather burying it. Most Europeans do not like to eat horse meat and do not look kindly upon those that do, although they do have slaughterhouses and also export the horse meat out of their country to countries that do consume horse meat and to the zoos and other various people that use horse meat to feed animals.

U kno so much!
I work hard to keep healthy horses from going to the slaughterhouses so yeah I have a lot of knowledge about it and thank you for the kind compliment:P
Personally I don't like the idea but considering that I live in a country (Spain) that eats snails, sheeps brains and cows stomachs, this comes as little surprise.
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I found the pic!

The packet says it comes from Asturias, North of Spain. Young - Joven, like a foal burger. I bought it by accident and I'd never buy it again.
I know Spain processes and exports most of its horse meat there aren't supposed to be a lot of people that actually eat horse meat in Spain. I do enjoy watching Andrew Zimmerman the guy who goes all around the world eating everything sampling all kind of foods but I could never do what he does!