doublejj's next big adventure....Lone Oak Farms 2016

I think I have just created a business for myself....squishing rosin for others....I'm thinking something like, I will process your trim into rosin for like $10 a gr for every gr I can pull from a lb of trim.....that comes out to $280 oz for your own rosin from your own plants. I can run flowers also. :hump:
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How are you going to do it with that cement mixer JJ?
Do you place trim in the mixer and manually crank it around and it turns into keif somehow in that silver funnel contraption? That is a strange looking machine . I would be interested in seeing the process.
Yes, you put the trim & dry ice into the electric cement mixer & then attach the cone & screen over the opening & turn it on for 10-15min. The kief falls thru the screen & collects in the cone.