My Girls


Well-Known Member
They are on a 24 hr light cycle for the first two weeks, Starting off strong, they are approximately 1 to 2 inches with their first set of true leaves.2 are opening slowly..The water is P.H. balanced at 6.5 and the humidity is at 45%, I am misting them twice daily..They have been watered once since put in soil..I have a blower fan sucking air out and a small computer fan blowing in fresh air.The light is 14 inches above and is 250 wt MH.
These were seeds from a dispensary owner who said they were GDP,I have done one crop that Im almost done with and they are some fruity smelling girls, I got 7 females out of 15 last time They are almost done..
The cabinet is one I converted, It is 36x26x66 it works well for veg! It stays around 78 to 83 in there!!
I will be letting them go until they are 14 to 16 inches then go into flowering!!



Well-Known Member
They were misted this morning with P.H. balance at 6.5,They seem to love a light misting. Out of 15 13 have at least on set of true leaves and the other two are still opening and only have their cotyledons. There are two with two sets of leaves doing really well,Probably male.LOL!


Well-Known Member
thats a nice setup you got there thraxz. how many plants do have going at once in each stage? i didn't see the aerogarden very well. got any more pics of it in action? also what sq feet do you have to operate with for each stage? i presume your on a perpetual rotation of some sort.


Well-Known Member
No not yet!! Im still getting organized!! I have a 4x4x7 Hydro hut with a 1000 wts, I have a 36x26x66 inch cabinet I converted with a 250 wt MH-HPS conversion bulb..I use my Aero garden to clone and root seeds, I have a tray and dome with heat mat underneath..
I also took 4x2x5 ft closet and put a 400 wt hps in there with six plants.!!
I have 15 starting and four clones then my garden!


Well-Known Member
Here are the babies this evening..They were watered once and misted! The water is P.H. balanced at 6.0 and they are doing great, Well 1 looks eaten and one is opening slowly..13 are growing there 1st and second set of leaves..
Humidity at 50% and Temp 81, Light is 14 inches and they have a nice breeze from the small computer fan, as well as a blower fan sucking the air out..

There are a couple of other babies in there with them.. There are 3 S.S.H. clones, and 1 GDP..They are going to be going into flowering within the next week!!



Well-Known Member
Here are the babies, they are doing very well with the nutrients in the soil (Ocean Forest) and water.P.H. at 6.0 and temp between 76 and 82.Humidity at 50%..They are on a 24 hr light cycle since opening! I do mist them a couple times a day!!
Two of them are deformed , One looks eaten (No Bugs) and One is Just deformed!! I will let them go though until they dye..See what happens with them..
I am very excited about this crop as the last ones are looking very impressive!!
This is my second grow, Indoors and I will be cloning and using one of these for a mother plant!! I am going to cross breed this strain with my N.L. down the road.. So I will be keeping a male!
Here are a few Pics of some females in full Flower 5 weeks!



Well-Known Member
Here are the girls this morning! They are doing nicely,Growing like a weed! LOL! I will water them with a P.H. at 6.0 and give them a little seaweed extract..Temp at 83 and Humidity at 55%, Good air circulation.They are still on a 24hr light cycle(250wt MH)..I will also give them a light foiler spray with the extract..The one I don't think is going to develope and the other one is defromed but growing, I will probuably pull the slow one this weekend!!

There are two N.L. in the pics and A GDp, all clones that I cut myself.Those were my first set!!That lived!! I am very stoked, that N.L. is Beautiful!! So Im going to keep these two for Mothers...
The babies are about two Inches with 2 to 3 sets of leaves, Growing Vigoruosly!! I will give them another week 24 hr light then going to 18 to givem a little rest, I figure they will need rest when they go through there Veg cycle!Two weeks veg then Flower, Or 16 inches whatever comes first!!



Well-Known Member
Here they are today, They were misted with water and 1/4tsp of seaweed extract and P.H. at 6.0, They were all given 1 cup of water last night. Temp is between 76 and 84, Humidity 50%.. Constant air in and out.. They are looking very nice, The one is not growing at all, The other one is deformed but growing.. I'm getting rid of the lager..

There are a couple of extra pics in there of some of the GDP I did from seed, They are in the 5th week flowering and are very beautiful. I started flowering at 12in, and they are about 20 to 24in now!!



Well-Known Member
I am having a tiny bit of white spotting!! Keeping an eye on it.Think it might be from misting!!


Well-Known Member
Yea, I haven't had the greatest luck with it, But I have gotten a few!! The ones that counted! My N.L.


Well-Known Member
Thats sweet, I was having a problem because my medium was to moist.. I think I got it solved..Going to use the two clones I got off my N.L. for mothers!!


Well-Known Member
Well they look healthy and are growing like a weed!! Tonight they will get their first shot of nutrients!! There are a couple N.L. that I'm going to use for Mothers and a Super Silver Haze..
Constant air circulation and humidity at 60%, Temp at 82.+
Theirs a couple snap shots of some that are almost done!! They smell like gum and are very dense!!

