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Why no wet trim ?

Cutting the sugar leaves allows moisture to leave the "core" of the bud, which speeds up the drying process. You do not want to speed up the process. Drying too quickly kills the scent, not completely, but the "nose" won't be as "loud".

Waiting to trim the sugar leaves dry allows the buds to retain proper moisture/oil levels to continue the cure. Drying quick and releasing the moisture/oils ends the cure abruptly and it will not continue if you "rejuvenate" them by increasing humidity.

Though it has been cut down, the plant is still trying to survive. The more cuts you make around the buds is subjecting that area to additional stress. Varying trim methods can yield visable differences in the final product.

Botrytis does not need to start inside of dense buds, it will violently attack any "damaged" areas of the plant. Every cut leaf, then, is a prime target and invites the onset of the disease.

Better "nose", better cure (vs potentially "no cure"), better product, and less prone to Bud Rot. Pretty strong argument for dry trim.
-- Most old school hybrids like White Widow are a waste of time.

-- Mix dolomite lime into your soil prior to planting.

-- Wait until buds are dry before placing in jars for cure.

-- The Dunning-Krugger Effect is common in cannabis forums.

most old skool hybrids may kick your face. try them before writing stupid things.
I've smoked a Super Skunk that destroys all that fucking "new skool" super strong stuff with stupid names like "Sunset Sherbert"
most old skool hybrids may kick your face. try them before writing stupid things.
I've smoked a Super Skunk that destroys all that fucking "new skool" super strong stuff with stupid names like "Sunset Sherbert"
Yeah man, should have some Jack Herrer cuttings and a couple of male plants to play with soon, looking forward to some real old school genetics again.

Oh....and my tip, so not de-railing thread..........seedlings don't need ANYTHING but good clean water for the 1st couple of weeks
plants love well aerated soil with good drainage ( use lots of perlite). read everything you can find but believe nothing until you test it your self. learn to listen to your plants, let them tell you what they need. and remember that you will never get ahead by running with the pack. we all have different growing environments and different needs. trial and error is the only way to find what works best for you and your plants
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1. Don't love them to Death! :D
I love my girls but I also respect them and try to give them what they need to be strong and healthy. I do not try to force them to be something they are not and don't give them too much food, light or water in an effort to make them grow faster.I let them grow at their own rate and they repay that respect with good tasting high quality buds
Sulfur feeds the trichs!! I learned that in the advanced section!

Plants that aren't stressed out won't smell! I learned that from the advanced section!

Too much blue produces more trichs! I learned this from the advanced section!

Boil your roots prior to harvest so there will be anaerobic respiration and your weed will taste a lot better. I learned this from the advanced section...

Put a nail through your stem... and...
Always remember to flush with pure water 7-8 weeks before harvest. If you're synthetic, begin flushing upon germination to prevent your weed from having any chemicals. (in fact, weed would prefer to live in a vacuum)

Make sure to cut off ALL the leaves that block light from hitting the buds.

Amino acids... have you tried them?

Remember to glassify your plants with silicon. That makes all the difference... Wouldn't want to get glass deficiency. Also remember to fill your blinker fluid when it's low.

Mushroom soil anyone?
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