Evil's Adventures


Well-Known Member
Oh I know exactly what it is bro, seen it way too much on here. It does get really old hey, the people I interact with the most these days are heaps cool. I'm only here for the bud porn and shits and giggles. This place has some very cool people if you're in the right threads lol.
Yeah the issue is when the crazies venture into those threads. And don't get me wrong there's a lot of cool people here I have gotten help from many guys but now I see why a lot of the guys who have been around for a while keep to just certain threads and to themselves lol
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Well-Known Member
I will get over it soon as the new vert setup is done and I'm not so grumpy about the obstacles along the way....... the two pants in the back row dead center are clones, the rest is the GG beans. I know there's bleaching on a leaf or two, not stressing it at this point.

Here's a pic to hold you guys over:



Well-Known Member
Was about to PM you this, I will be hanging over in the vert section as the new greenhorn there learning from those guys


The GG beans that show female will be going into a similar setup.........
I'm glad you kept it going !! I have found that there are a big handful of people that just purposely pick at you to see if they can get you going. Ignore them like they didn't even respond. I think it makes them more mad but they eventually will head west and leave you alone . Most of the time. I'm gonna start flower on my Rugburn finally today ! I'll be posting some pics of my progress on that in the water only thread as I'm done with the kind soil thread that I was growing them on. My plants did a complete 180 since throwing the kind soil in the garbage and replanting !!! Keep up the great work bro . Your grow decides my next bean pop whether it has gg regs in it or they stay in the box ! I'm leaning more toward the gorilla breath seeds I picked up though seems more promising , kinda lol ( gg#4 x ogbk). Happy growing !


Well-Known Member
I will get over it soon as the new vert setup is done and I'm not so grumpy about the obstacles along the way....... the two pants in the back row dead center are clones, the rest is the GG beans. I know there's bleaching on a leaf or two, not stressing it at this point.

Here's a pic to hold you guys over:

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They are looking great man, cheers for posting up the pic!! We'll all jump in if anyone gives you shit :)


Well-Known Member
Ok guys, big update here. I recently went away for a bit and it apparently was more time away than the plants could handle. I have been working very hard every day to save the veg tent and this run, and hopefully this doesn't stress the plants out too much. We will see, if anything goes wrong here it's on me 100%.

I will be posting some pics later on tonight. We will see so far I lost one plant in the flower tent, and two of the three left are looking "light".......



Well-Known Member
Ok guys, big update here. I recently went away for a bit and it apparently was more time away than the plants could handle. I have been working very hard every day to save the veg tent and this run, and hopefully this doesn't stress the plants out too much. We will see, if anything goes wrong here it's on me 100%.

I will be posting some pics later on tonight. We will see so far I lost one plant in the flower tent, and two of the three left are looking "light".......

Sorry to hear that man .


Well-Known Member
Ok so here goes, as not everything in life is perfect and shit happens lol. \

This was the day I got home AFTER trimming off a lot of dead and yellow leaves, they looked a lot worse than this when I first arrived:

This was the same tent today(pic above was last Sat)


The bottom right 5 ugly small plants are clones that went into cups last night. My auto front and center seems happy at least. I am waiting to see if any of the GG start to show sex looks close on a few, then when I transplant I will bury the stems deep on whatever is necessary.

Hopefully I bounce them back without too much trouble........
Cheers :bigjoint:

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Well-Known Member
Ok guys minor update but no pics for the moment. I culled two males that were completely obvious today with sacs hanging on them, and transplanted one female to a 1 gallon pot. I am loving growing in coco such nice healthy roots but these plants are definitely ready for a transplant. I topped them all today as well. The last four days also I have needed to water/feed them daily, so no wonder they did not like my week off recently lol.

Stay tuned..... :bigjoint:


Well-Known Member
Ok guys minor update but no pics for the moment. I culled two males that were completely obvious today with sacs hanging on them, and transplanted one female to a 1 gallon pot. I am loving growing in coco such nice healthy roots but these plants are definitely ready for a transplant. I topped them all today as well. The last four days also I have needed to water/feed them daily, so no wonder they did not like my week off recently lol.

Stay tuned..... :bigjoint:
In coco once plants get big you have to water everyday . No matter what. In flower 2 or 3 times a day