Club 600

Definitely Bigger This year Whodat! Very impressive.Gawd there massive, how much you think you will yeild this year. If those produce big heavy buds your going to be swimming in it dude. Putting those bamboo stake things up was a brilliant idea. More support the better just in case those buds are like massive baseball bats like I have a very fishy feeling they are going to be. What s the secret Whodat. what do you think made this massive difference this year?
Thanks ambs. Different genetics but we also started 2 weeks earlier, more frequent compost teas this year as well.

I want to shoot for 5lb a plant I think it's doable if blue dream live up to the hype.
A PITA that's how lol. They get moved into a cupboard each night then put back out when it's dark.....zzzzzzzz Or sometimes I stick em back out when I get up in the morning. The little FB sometimes gets a black bag thrown over it ghetto style light dep....I never tie a rope round is neck though:)

Yup. Pia. Worth it though. I'm currently chopping my light depo in the 10*10 gh. Tarping and untarping every night for almost 10wks. Work I tell you. Lol.

I'm so happy this next round no tarping. Should make the season bright. :-)
Aye. A couple of time's I have been a tad late.... I am like....ffs. oops best get those girls in the cupboard:)
Jays been at it in Spain as well. But he's been leaving the tarp on in the morning as he said it gets hella damp when tarping and the sun is still out. You had humidity problems?