Do we know why gravity exists?


Well-Known Member
Google it
pretty sure they do.n i read abiut it, but i guess im too zumb to fylly understand


Well-Known Member
I am going to say its something to do with the core of the earth and/or the rotation.
The force of gravity is constant all across the universe. Why does matter attract other matter? I'm guessing it has to do with electromagnetic forces that are inherent in the chemical composition of matter itself. Every single atom has an electromagnetic charge, we know positive attracts negative (and vice versa)


Well-Known Member
I am thinking more the planet, the core, and the rotation, create some kind of time space curve and that creates gravity. Or at least the feeling of gravity....


Well-Known Member
the how is the why. to assume there is a why beyond the how is to believe there is a Creator, and said creator us up there wherever he/she is in your thought process feeling they have a need to suss out a reason for things to exist that you understand. small minded thought, and the person that believes that gets pissed when every question isn't answered at the end of a book or didn't like the end of Lost or Mass Effect3. shit exists just because, just because of shit beyond our comprehension as a species. like gravity.


Well-Known Member
the how is the why. to assume there is a why beyond the how is to believe there is a Creator, and said creator us up there wherever he/she is in your thought process feeling they have a need to suss out a reason for things to exist that you understand. small minded thought, and the person that believes that gets pissed when every question isn't answered at the end of a book or didn't like the end of Lost or Mass Effect3. shit exists just because, just because of shit beyond our comprehension as a species. like gravity.
i didn't take it as an insult, and if you took what i said as hostile, i don't know what to tell ya man.

No, we dont know why gravity exists.

Most recent answer: 05/18/2011
Why is there gavity?
- Kevin (age 10)
Good question. I wish I knew, but that's the way it is. Scientists can explain lots of facts and effects of gravity and know why the earth attracts an apple and why and how it falls, but we do not know why gravity exists. This is one of the great mysteries of life. There are additional forces other than gravity that affect our lives, such a electric and magnetic forces as well as the forces that keep the nucleus of the atom together. We can study them and explain lots of facts and consequences BUT we don't know why they exist. Why don't you become a scientist and figure it out for us.
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