Mr.MJ's 2016 Outdoor


Well-Known Member
Alright folks, I haven't been around here for some time, so I figured I'd let you guys know what I'm up to. Couldn't grow last year due to living circumstances but am back at it. Had a semi successful grow 2 years prior growing getaways stumbleweed and swamp skunk, due to a less than ideal start I lost a lot and ended up with 1 swamp skunk female 1 stumblweed male and female and some random bagseed. Crossed the stumbleweed male with the swamp skunk female but not the stumbleweed female.:-x Had a closest grow and made beans over the winter also with the f1s and also knocked up some nice bagseed. And that's what I'll have going here some some stumbleweed x swamp skunk f1s and f2s as well as the bagseed I knocked up. Now for the fun
20160803_192038.jpg so was out make the rounds and within 2 ft of the route I take I spotted this!! Holy shot I was beating into the brush no more than 20 ft from this looking to put a plant somewhere. I fallen a good few times entangled in brush good thing it wasn't on this:o20160803_190726.jpg random genetics. Even labelled the cups R when starting.20160803_190542.jpgthis is gonna babe a big girl20160803_190631.jpg just showing preflowers and alternating nodes now20160803_184220.jpgthe f2s and random plants got mixed up, if they have auto traits i assume theyre f2s.20160803_183435.jpg I20160803_183502.jpg I'm pretty sure this is an f2, an early one at that, pollenated with and f1 male I had in the closet since may.20160803_183315.jpg 20160803_183348.jpg this is an f120160803_183228.jpgthis one here's big at least 6ft she was a little sheltered. Not enough to hurt yield too bad. She still has some growing to do also.

That's it for now got some more I'll post tomorrow. Couldn't get pictures of them all today so there's alot to come
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These are all stumbleweed x swamp skunk f1s.
20160803_182954.jpg 20160803_174221.jpg
This lady grew funky. Spit out buds early July, I thought she was a loss yieldwise, but then she filled out quite a bit. Over all happy with what she became.20160803_174203.jpg



They are all about 1-2 weeks


Unknown genetics but has some awesome branching, she should be a good yielder.
20160711_175949.jpg I noticed a nest in a bush head level a few weeks ago and peered in to take a look and spotted these little guys.

A week later. Getting crowded almost time to leave
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That cute
Sorry we all dont have the luxury of a backyard grow. I imagine it's pretty easy to grow monsters when u got everything right there with a little bit knowledge. For a poorly planned grow that I visit about weekly and seeds breaking the dirt April 25ish through mid may, I'd say I'm doing pretty good. I work a fulltime job and care for 39 ladies in the thickest nastiest uncomfortable environment u can imagine. Could you do that and grow "5 lb plants"?
Sorry we all dont have the luxury of a backyard grow. I imagine it's pretty easy to grow monsters when u got everything right there with a little bit knowledge. For a poorly planned grow that I visit about weekly and seeds breaking the dirt April 25ish through mid may, I'd say I'm doing pretty good. I work a fulltime job and care for 39 ladies in the thickest nastiest uncomfortable environment u can imagine. Could you do that and grow "5 lb plants"?
I think it looks great bro! Sounds like a journey
I think it looks great bro! Sounds like a journey
What was the that's cute comment about .....just curious .......I've got huge ass plants in an easy to access place and would never make a comment like that to a person who has to go on a hike just to get to his garden ...spread out all over Gods creation not to mention worrying about other people finding them .....I have mad respect for guys who have to do it like this .....instead of just turning on a hose ......I love seeing all gardens and if someone is passionate about growing we got something in common .....but guys doing it like this are workin hard for there's any size plant/harvest is amazing to me. Good job OP
Wow sorry didn't mean it in a bad way! I just thought it was cool how it camoflauged into the surroundings... no offense intended >.<
Wow sorry didn't mean it in a bad way! I just thought it was cool how it camoflauged into the surroundings... no offense intended >.<
Oh gotch ya ......that's cool I wasn't trying to be a dick I just thought you were being sarcastic about his plants that's all ........I'm glad to hear you were not cause dude is obviously having to work super hard to achieve what he has .......been there done that when I was younger and having to carry water and everything else your plant needs on top of not being seen is stressful as hell I'm sure you could imagine .......
A little look at how I do things. That frame pack has been a life saver.

if you look to the left of the bigger plants , you can make out a severly neglected plant. I had her with some plants that looked to be male, but was still early. Honestly once the bulk of the plants were sexed and transplanted I just lost focus on those and treated them all as if they were male. Well, I I saw pistils on this plant today. Transplanted her into 5 gal of soil with fertz today, I'm exited see how it bounces back.

Shaping up nicely


Now this is a first for me... I snapped these males at the base over a week ago, they were not this far along

20160805_173331.jpgnature is resilient, these plants especially. They've been sucking water from the swamp mud with no roots, unreal. 20160805_173413.jpg
Well.. some nearby plants may get seeded


An early stumbleweed x swamp skunk f1. They didn't get as big as the ones in my other spot. They were transplanted a week after. You really gotta give those early varieties the root space right away. That's gonna take adjustments in the future. Due to root restrictions they couldn't really stretch, and now the bud sites are very thick already causing some mold already :-(

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Nice variety of plant you go going there. I've only have 4 main plants I'm tending to right now. I can't imagine taking care of 40.
A little look at how I do things. That frame pack has been a life saver.
Your plants are looking great. I use packs a lot getting started in the spring. My high point this year was 80 odd plants in the ground. With deer and males, that number is down in the 60's now. Still way more than I can tend to like they need. Very few of mine look as nice as yours. But I'm in it for the seeds mainly. an ounce a month is plenty of smoke for me, and I'm damn sure not going to sell any. Too much work involved.

Some of my patches are hard to get to, so I don't check on them but every two to three weeks. I jokingly say I'm trying to breed a strain that thrives on neglect, but that isn't far from the truth. I will pick the best looking ones from each patch to breed.

Good luck to you the rest of the way.
Your plants are looking great. I use packs a lot getting started in the spring. My high point this year was 80 odd plants in the ground. With deer and males, that number is down in the 60's now. Still way more than I can tend to like they need. Very few of mine look as nice as yours. But I'm in it for the seeds mainly. an ounce a month is plenty of smoke for me, and I'm damn sure not going to sell any. Too much work involved.

Some of my patches are hard to get to, so I don't check on them but every two to three weeks. I jokingly say I'm trying to breed a strain that thrives on neglect, but that isn't far from the truth. I will pick the best looking ones from each patch to breed.

Good luck to you the rest of the way.
Its crazy i have deer tracks going right past a number of plants with no issues. I read awhile back that deer won't touch your plants if the native vegetation/food is plentiful
After asking getaway it turns out all the f1, and f2s are straight swamp skunk(being a careless stoner i don't keep track of my plants too good) so I'll be referring to them as such from here. The others are swamp skunk x unknown.

These are at what I call my apocalypse plot. Didn't quite have a spot for them, they were in party cups from the beginning of May through mid June, transplanted to 1 gal then 5 gal mid july( 5's due to being behind) im happy how they've turned out.

20160806_135740.jpg 20160806_140029.jpg 20160806_121757.jpg I'm really happy with how the swamp skunk x unknown are shaping up. Flowers first week of August and branching and bud sites stacking how i like. I'll be holding onto those genes. Have some others going distributing the same traits.

20160806_123228.jpg 20160806_123241.jpg swamp skunk f2 looking good, the f2s aren't giving me the reveg like the f1s

Another with good traits, gave her a top dressing yesterday 20160806_112338.jpg 20160806_112355.jpg

Unknown,stinky already though
20160806_135014.jpg 20160806_115235.jpg got some netting on th big girls yesterday
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I know a guy just like that .
That is why I try for one strain per patch. No way in hell I could remember what was what if I mixed it it up. Without posting it to my thread, I would have trouble remembering what strain was in what patch. And even finding any paper notes I take would be doubtful by next year.