magically turn a MH into an HPS....


Active Member
i've mentioned this before, but havent gotten a response on it.....

in the film/photography world we have things called gels that change the color temperature of a light to a desired result.... they're called CTO and CTB for orange and blue, respectively.... generally puts a 5500K or 6000K light into the 2000K or 3000K temp range... obviously since light is passing thru a medium that effects it, we will lose some intensity -- how much intensity is what i wonder.... i have a MH light and am wondering (since buying an HPS is out of the question) if i put up a gel will the net effect of lower intensity and redder light be better or worse for mid-late flowering?

here is a link in case you are unfamiliar with gels: Rosco #3407 Filter - RoscoSun CTO - 20x24"

there are many brands this is just one i found in 5 min.....


also, anyone besides filthyfletch and myself nearly shit our pants because of misled advice on molasses in an aeroponics setup? is there a substitute to use in place of molasses (or a specifically small amt)...... do we even NEED molasses in aero? these bitches are F*ing huge (gotta love LST... got them bending full 90 degrees a few times and even some 180 degrees)
wow..... that is SO not what i asked about.... thanks for not reading the post AT ALL

i am fully aware of combo ballasts and how to wire one up to be able to use both bulbs......

or maybe i just wasnt clear enough.... all i want to know is what would happen if i JUST ADD THE GELS - and keep the same exact fricken light that i have.

please end the discussion about wiring ballasts and other bulbs as THIS IS NOT WHAT I WAS ASKING ABOUT!!!!

increasingly on this site i find people dont read other people's posts anymore.... i mean we're all stoners here i get that.... but come on people. i try and be coherent in my writing - at least you could read it and post something that answers the question back.
you need to chill out bro, she was tryin to help your ass, now she gets bitched at for tryin to help you out!!! keep in mind that you are saying "people dont read posts" when only 1 person has responded to your off the wall question...... maybe nobody knows about these "gels" as much as you do......
don't know if the gel things are gonna work. The light puts off a certain spectrum of light. If you put a filter in front of it, it's gonna do just that. Filter out all other spectrums of light and let a certain spectrum pass through. It won't generate a spectrum of light that wasn't originally there. You'll only reduce the number of lumens the light produces by allowing what little of the spectrum is there to begin with. Hope this helps.
I think I would contact the gel manf. and see if these gels will withstand the light that you are wanting to use.
If they say no prob then go for it.
As you say you should loose some lumen.
Like the constantgardner said it will not allow you to add lumens (2000 going up to 6000) it will only allow you to filter out lumen (6000 going down to 2000)

Good luck
don't know if the gel things are gonna work. The light puts off a certain spectrum of light. If you put a filter in front of it, it's gonna do just that. Filter out all other spectrums of light and let a certain spectrum pass through. It won't generate a spectrum of light that wasn't originally there. You'll only reduce the number of lumens the light produces by allowing what little of the spectrum is there to begin with. Hope this helps.

Exactly correct. If you need to use the metal halide fixture, have you considered conversion bulbs. It is possible to get HPS light from an MH ballast. Metal Halide (MH) and High Pressure Sodium (HPS) Conversion Bulbs at Home Harvest Garden Supply
wow..... that is SO not what i asked about.... thanks for not reading the post AT ALL

i am fully aware of combo ballasts and how to wire one up to be able to use both bulbs......

or maybe i just wasnt clear enough.... all i want to know is what would happen if i JUST ADD THE GELS - and keep the same exact fricken light that i have.

please end the discussion about wiring ballasts and other bulbs as THIS IS NOT WHAT I WAS ASKING ABOUT!!!!

increasingly on this site i find people dont read other people's posts anymore.... i mean we're all stoners here i get that.... but come on people. i try and be coherent in my writing - at least you could read it and post something that answers the question back.

first, let me say that i'm totally laughing my fucking ass of right now. i know what you asked about, forgive me for not having time to spend an hour researching the topic for you.

what i DO know is that if you use any type of colored filter, YOU DIMINISH THE INTENSITY OF THE LIGHT. this is not good, as you want as much light as possible. i would aslo believe, due to the fact that it is a specialty item, that it would be expensive.

so, lets see, spend hundreds, get less light, with less effectiveness...

or, read my first reply, and follow the advice. you know how to wire an hps as a mh, awesome! mh bulbs are 20$ at lowes; how much are the gels?

when someone takes the time to try to help you, you should at least thank them for taking the time, even if it didn't help you. otherwise, you may need help, and that particular person could be the one to save your ass, but they remember your lack of appreciation, and instead just post a simple "fuck you"

now, i'm not trying to be a bitch, i promise; but, please don't blow up like that. it accomplishes nothing. hell, i had someone appologize to me for your statement. that's a little unfair, imo. this is a cannabis forum; show some hippie love, not bs ego and unfounded animosity.

and don't assume that people don't read. assumption is the mother of all fuckups

when someone takes the time to try to help you, you should at least thank them for taking the time, even if it didn't help you. otherwise, you may need help, and that particular person could be the one to save your ass, but they remember your lack of appreciation, and instead just post a simple "fuck you"

now, i'm not trying to be a bitch, i promise; but, please don't blow up like that. it accomplishes nothing. hell, i had someone appologize to me for your statement. that's a little unfair, imo. this is a cannabis forum; show some hippie love, not bs ego and unfounded animosity.

and don't assume that people don't read. assumption is the mother of all fuckups


Wish i could rep+ you...anyway
i would say the gels are no good...they would be acting as a filter and filter out the spectrums you dont need but will not make your light produce any extra of the one you need so all you get is less lumens with a nigher % of the spectrum you need...

like a water filter you dont get more clean water then water you started with you just take part of it out and end up with what you already had (now just the way you want it)

not sure if im being clear...hope it helps

Grow green, from the Northwest.