When things go hindu in the night

My M1 SOCOM can beat your puny AR, neener neener
Not a videogame lol your still dead if i shoot you first. But im out with recent national events people will get excited over these kinds of things. M1s are inferior btw their shortened barrels reduce fps too much which reduces fragmentation and terminal performance
Not a videogame lol your still dead if i shoot you first. But im out with recent national events people will get excited over these kinds of things. M1s are inferior btw their shortened barrels reduce fps too much which reduces fragmentation and terminal performance
sometimes yes i do think of killing the man my mom loves
My ar15 has a 30rd mag and a slidefire stock thats not good for you
I really am bored now though it was fun earlier but juvenile threats are boring
You have all the telltale signs of a serial killer in the making ... obsessed with your mom, watches step dad sleep while listening to Hindu porn, homophobic, talks about the rape of military women, has a fixation for guns
in the making? You're predictions 2yrs late buddy sorry ps open your blinds more its been hard to watch you sleep lately