When things go hindu in the night

Indeed lots to do:
try passing your remedial English class this time. A working knowledge of spelling, grammar, and vocabulary is a must when you move out our your dad's house. Also crucial when trying to sound intelligent on a weed forum

Not my step dads house and i pay the utilities hes a bum on disability. Remedial lol had a college reading level in 1st grade wasnt aware that we were supposed to be all proper and refined my apologies your highness

But you just can't stay away can you?
Yeast infection, I got yeast infection. Yeast infection, I got yeast infection. Whip it through the ass. I'm blowing...errr never mind.

Had to drop that newfangled rap.
This thread seemed like the place to do it.
Hey Jin, it's called "reply" b/c you actually reply to a quote. and if you were at "a college" reading level then you should have moved out by the 3rd grade genius
I push no narratives your opinion is a mosquito fart for all i care
Then why are you such a whore for negative attention? Why do you choose to gratify yourself in that way. There's no way you are not miserable... deny it but you haven't fooled anyone.

You eat shit on a stick i heard you love slobby knobs
you sound like a delinquent moron.

do you blame yourself for your father leaving?