Salary Transparency

There is a female where I work that is getting paid in the 40,000 range and a male doing the same job with less experience and produces less although he is about 10 years older than her he makes 108,000 I am not supposed to know about this but I do. I feel like salary transparency is a must in today's society
There is a female where I work that is getting paid in the 40,000 range and a male doing the same job with less experience and produces less although he is about 10 years older than her he makes 108,000 I am not supposed to know about this but I do. I feel like salary transparency is a must in today's society

The business holds all the cards when there's no transparency. Negotiating a salary when you have no idea what your counterparts are being paid is in favor of the business.

There is a female where I work that is getting paid in the 40,000 range and a male doing the same job with less experience and produces less although he is about 10 years older than her he makes 108,000 I am not supposed to know about this but I do. I feel like salary transparency is a must in today's society
How long have they both been with the organization? Not saying it's fair; but seniority accounts for some instances of the pay disparity.
I got hired on at a major corp. in my 20's w/ same experience level, age, etc as the male sales rep and goes what ? He was paid $10k more a year than I was. I checked into it ti see if perhaps he had more territory, dif. account structure, blah blah, but no, just a penis.
In government, all salaries are open and can easily be seen. I think if the government can do it, why not private corporations. I think I would be able to trust my employer more if they did it and I would work harder to get that top salary.