When things go hindu in the night

You wanna push your ideology rudely on others then expect push back you lil pecker
Im sure you used to be a good kid. Its not even your fault, its Your moms fault she's the one that brought that racist bigotry into your home. She put her sex life before you and that's not right. You're a victim. You need to be more self conscious and change, before its too late.
About a month ago I was up late on a saturday night got the munchies emrerged from my smoke filled cavern to forage in the kitchen. Moms gone on a trip so its just my stepdad and dog asleep in their room. Im heating up some stuff in the microwave and start hearing hindu music from their room. Doors wide open tv is on cnn and hes passed out. I glance at the computer and see a youtube video titled "desi love romance" playing it was a soft core indian porno 3hrs long. It was half way in he mustve tuckered himself out pretty fast. I turned to my dog and thought you poor thing just what have you had to witness. I took my phone out and put it on mute but it still clicked when i took a screenshot of the movie. I frantically bolted off and my dog thinking its play time started barking and chased me. Crept back 15min later desi love still playing and he was snoring. Whats even more messed up is hes a neonazi trumptard who would do felacio on putin and hitler if he was around and hes looking at non aryian pornos. Thats why im shaming him he deserves it lol.

Ps for some reason jar jar binks flashed into my mind as i ran away flailing my arms not a star wars buff either

Actually, Aryans and Indians are closely related. We all are members of the Indo-Aryan language group. Feel the love.
Im sure you used to be a good kid. Its not even your fault, its Your moms fault she's the one that brought that racist bigotry into your home. She put her sex life before you and that's not right. You're a victim. You need to be more self aware and change, before its too late.
Lol ok bill cosby since i dont join you in being a fanny bandit im racist ok lol. Typically dont care didnt ask so dont tell keep it to yourself.
This forum sure seems full of dudes suggesting vehemently to other dudes to commit homosexual acts
are you propositioning me?

lol. "fanny bandit". Is that gender specific? I mean, can we all be fanny bandits or do we need to be gay?
Typically applys to gay guys im no fan of any poop chute id puke seeing poop flying around._._._..Google santorum if you need help losing weight