getaway seeder/outdoor/greenhouse grow 2016

well we emptied the greenhouse for a month so i can set up the big batch of seeders for fall the ones in the yard wouldnt be done in time for me to do what i want so the big ones we had in there are all out in various spots another 24 for the crop oh well we had room for them the only ones left are 4 r-2's that are going to a spot for making seeds with them empty.jpe
well we emptied the greenhouse for a month so i can set up the big batch of seeders for fall the ones in the yard wouldnt be done in time for me to do what i want so the big ones we had in there are all out in various spots another 24 for the crop oh well we had room for them the only ones left are 4 r-2's that are going to a spot for making seeds with them View attachment 3743610
The infamous R2:hump:
Getaway ive watched u two years in a row now and its amazing how well u have everything dialed in well done man great rewards for good old fashioned hard work
well for us to handle all the plants we got and mostly me and momma doing it all we have to stagger the crop so we just have managed to get strains that finish at different times so one spot will be done in mid august and the next bunch done sept 1st then middle month with more strains then the late ones in early oct so its like doing 3-4 crops instead of one a season just our method of madness haha
well for us to handle all the plants we got and mostly me and momma doing it all we have to stagger the crop so we just have managed to get strains that finish at different times so one spot will be done in mid august and the next bunch done sept 1st then middle month with more strains then the late ones in early oct so its like doing 3-4 crops instead of one a season just our method of madness haha
Exactly what i meant by dialed in...