It happened. There's no denying of it. Who did it or was behind it though is up for debate. I'm a ww2 enthusiast and my gramps was in the war. History says the ss was behind it, others say the zionists were. I'm sure in between is the truth, but I've seen the tattoos the nazis left on the survivors and heard the stories of horror. The other debate is the zyklon b debate. Whether or not Prussic acid dumped into a vent will actually "gas" anyone. The Russian/German battles in the east were barbaric. The nazis considered them inferior, and the soviets were more brutal than the nazis even. Stalin was one of the worst of the worst. He also persecuted the Jews and he was Jewish himself. There's other theory's behind them but the rothchilds as I've said before are behind all these wars. War= money=more power. The rothchilds hide behind the Jewish faith but they are not actually Jewish but converts. Technically all Christians are Jews as well but try explaining that one on a Jesus forum lol. But I have a lot of Jewish friends and some family and they are here because of the war. Prior to the final solution, they had enough money to escape and buy a pass out. But they had to leave most of their stuff behind. I have a lot of debates with friends who also have theories on ww2 and the nazis and illuminati and such and we all agree there was a holocaust. The numbers though are up for debate as well. And then there's the facts that the allies embargoed Germany and Europe into starvation. And then we and the allies both intentionally bombed German civilians. Numbering around 16 million German civilians we killed. And there was even instances of bombing runs hitting camps even. But as I was told in jail here in the good old United States, land of the free, if we were to be invaded, since I was an inmate and considered dangerous due to my marijuana growing skills, that I would be executed possibly. I was in jail during 9/11 and the guards told me this. So factor starvation of everyone who is in Europe too into the numbers imo. Because if everyone is eating tulip bulbs and horses and dogs I'm sure the prisons aren't even eating much besides the bare bones. But then again a technique from Stalin himself of starvation is still in place today and food control in prisons. There's a reason for it. But in your defense though America killed more innocent ppl than anyone in ww2. The two a bombs were the big ones too in Japan. But in Americas defense we estimated to lose 1 million men on the home island invasion so the bombs were in hopes of saving our men. Right, wrong that's up for debate as well. Obviously I wouldn't be here if we lost the war more than likely or invaded Japan either, so that's the only positive thing I can say about it for me. Ww2 was about much more than hitler or Japan. It was imo just like our drama with Russia now, over $$$ and control of it. I personally like Putin and think he's trying very hard to go out of his way to not make war with us. They all know what our politicians are up to, and the cia.