White cookies! - Season 3


Well-Known Member
Hi all,

So I think I have honed my skills in growing MJ thanks to the guidance and info from you all and this site especially. I've ran into a lot of rookie mistakes my first few rounds, like the ever so common "I over watered!", or "damn I burnt my baby", or "wish I had a bigger light", "dafaq I have bugs!".

Aside from learning all those mistakes and hoping never to repeat any that will lower my quality, potency, or yield. I have also learned a few important lesson from my previous grows:

1. Don't over water
2. Less is more espcially with nutes.
3. Preventive action against pest.
4. Training, topping, fim, lst, super crop, are good techniques to increase yield.

Hopefully I can learn a few more with this grow. This will be my 2nd grow outdoor. So any comments or suggestions would be helpful.

Category: Outdoor backyard container grow, 15 gallon black plastic

Genetics; Feminized White Cookies from CKS

Medium: Fox farm ocean forest, 25% perlite, some Sphagnum Moss

Nutes: RO water, cal-mag, Liquid karma, Biothrive

Pest control: Monterey BT, neem oil

June 2:
Popped seed into a swollen peat pellet in solo cup. Placed cup on top of fridge. Checked every couple of days to make sure medium wasn't dry. Filled solo cup about a few mm of water to prevent peat from drying.

June 12:
Seed popped! A sprout head emerged from the peat with a long white stem.

June 18:
First picture of my baby girl! Muah. I love you!

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June 28:
Transfer to small pot with fox farm, perlite, sphagnum moss. Added a second 14w led bulb. So 26w now on my baby.



Well-Known Member
July 17:
She's taking off. The sun beats any LED light x100. Can't beat the sun boys!

This is around when I posted about topping my plant or not. It was late in the season and didn't think my baby would recover in time.




Well-Known Member
July 21st:
After debating about topping or not. I decided to do it. I was topped a few days earlier. And it recovered so damn quick. After 2 days I see new growth shooting out from the stock. Absolutely amazing at the speed of growth.



Well-Known Member
July 24:
We have been having a heatwave here, upper 90 to 100 for the past week. But my lady loves the heat! Been feeding her liquad karma, cal-mag every other watering. I water every 2 days because of the heat.



Well-Known Member
Crazy how fast she grew. I did not expect to have a plant about 4ft tall after just 2month from seed. Is this normal? I see people grows and some look awsome, but some are marginal at best.


Well-Known Member
August 7:
Filling in. Been spraying a rotation of neem and BT every 3days. Plants don't seem to mind. Showing white hairs now too.



Well-Known Member
A couple of weeks into flower. Plant is filing out nicely. I see 4 main colas now. Fed big bloom and tiger bloom yesterday. Still spraying BT and neem every week.




Well-Known Member
Weekly update. She's really filling in now. Colas starting to stack now. She's over 6ft tall. My direct sunlight is diminishing to about 6hrs now, but doesn't seem to really affect growth. Wish I had pop my seed earlier as the genetics with this one is strong.

Looking like I'll finish late October.


