Help!!Is my plant ok what im i doing rong !

Is my plant look heathy week 4 due to finish in 3 weeks

  • Its ok

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  • No it not and why ?

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Well-Known Member
Hi iv been growing an auto dark purple and its on week 4 at least and is scheaduled to finish in 3 weeks but it is so tiny with white spots on it is my light to far away im using a small led grow light is thisbstill worth growing will i succed with it any tips for now or the next plant would help thanks


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Well-Known Member
You will have to give us pictures under a normal light as all we see is red..As for auto's they finish when they finish, it is an internal clock, but never heard of one going that quick. I think you have a lot of time before this one finishes. And on the spots, did you get it wet when watering? Are you using nutes and maybe spilled some on the leaves?


Well-Known Member
Not a lot of time to fix it then....And it was fixed there would be a negligable harvest.
I'd think about starting again with a regular or feminized seed to be honest... :?
Hopefully, someone may disagree with me...


Well-Known Member
You got a dud. That can certainly be tossed in the trash and start over. What seed exactly? I want to say I had a dud like that once and it also was an auto, a freebie many years ago from attitude. Trust me if that is 3 weeks old, throw it away and try again.


Well-Known Member
Ill send you some white light also could it be finished even after the date printed on it packaging? also it is a feminized seed its called dark purple also I haven't used any nutreaints used a nutritional filled pro soil so i dident want to add anymore could the led light be to far away ? I dont know about it being a dud it is still growing slow but growing



Well-Known Member
It would stretch for the light if it was too far away or not bright enough. That means the stem under the leaves (stalk) would be very long and skinny. This plant you are growing is 3 weeks old at least and it looks like a 3 DAY old plant. LITERALLY. It's a dud!

Richard Drysift

Well-Known Member
There is no such thing as a dud unless you count a dead seed. This one has sprouted & while it looks small for 3 weeks old it's certainly not a dud. There is a reason for the slow growth: it could be just poor drainage which starves the roots of O2 or a related issue. Check to be sure there are drainage holes in the bottom of your container and/or drill some more if needed. Seeing you have given them only water is very good; this won't need nutrients for awhile but overwatering can slow down growth. Try watering with a hand mister to keep the soil moist but not wet and then only soak the roots with a watercan maybe once a week if at all. Also if you do not plan on using nutes be sure your source of water is chlorine or flouride free; tap water can kill the microbes in he soil that feed your plant naturally. Once they die off you will need to use nutes unless you've got enough grow space to transplant into a bigass pot of fresh mix.
Either way it would be a net loss to throw it out when you can easily recover this plant & get a harvest from it in time. No plant on earth can do a full cycle in 7 weeks; just not possible. Put any estimated finishing time right out the window & focus on keeping her healthy the entire grow. Autos finish when they want to; I hate them personally but I've run them with success. You should be on a 20/4 light schedule to maximize the small amount of veg time you've got left. Autos will flower out once they are mature enough for sex but they won't trigger until they have some height.
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Well-Known Member
There is no such thing as a dud unless you count a dead seed. This one has sprouted & while it looks small for 3 weeks old it's certainly not a dud. There is a reason for the slow growth: it could be just poor drainage which starves the roots of O2 or a related issue. Check to be sure there are drainage holes in the bottom of your container and/or drill some more if needed. Seeing you have given them only water is very good; this won't need nutrients for awhile but overwatering can slow down growth. Try watering with a hand mister to keep the soil moist but not wet and then only soak the roots with a watercan maybe once a week if at all. Also if you do not plan on using nutes be sure your source of water is chlorine or flouride free; tap water can kill the microbes in he soil that feed your plant naturally. Once they die off you will need to use nutes unless you've got enough grow space to transplant into a bigass pot of fresh mix.
Either way it would be a net loss to throw it out when you can easily recover this plant & get a harvest from it in time. No plant on earth can do a full cycle in 7 weeks; just not possible. Put any estimated finishing time right out the window & focus on keeping her healthy the entire grow. Autos finish when they want to; I hate them personally but I've run them with success. You should be on a 20/4 light schedule to maximize the small amount of veg time you've got left. Autos will flower out once they are mature enough for sex but they won't trigger until they have some height.
I second this, having recently over watered and completely stunted what should of otherwise been a vigorous plant. I'm on day 26 of Veg and my plant looks more like it's on day 14.


Well-Known Member
You must not grow much from seed then because it actually happens quite a lot. Because you haven't seen something does not mean that there is "no such thing". OP, update us in a few weeks. Net loss? Google sunk cost fallacy.


Well-Known Member
There is no such thing as a dud unless you count a dead seed. This one has sprouted & while it looks small for 3 weeks old it's certainly not a dud. There is a reason for the slow growth: it could be just poor drainage which starves the roots of O2 or a related issue. Check to be sure there are drainage holes in the bottom of your container and/or drill some more if needed. Seeing you have given them only water is very good; this won't need nutrients for awhile but overwatering can slow down growth. Try watering with a hand mister to keep the soil moist but not wet and then only soak the roots with a watercan maybe once a week if at all. Also if you do not plan on using nutes be sure your source of water is chlorine or flouride free; tap water can kill the microbes in he soil that feed your plant naturally. Once they die off you will need to use nutes unless you've got enough grow space to transplant into a bigass pot of fresh mix.
Either way it would be a net loss to throw it out when you can easily recover this plant & get a harvest from it in time. No plant on earth can do a full cycle in 7 weeks; just not possible. Put any estimated finishing time right out the window & focus on keeping her healthy the entire grow. Autos finish when they want to; I hate them personally but I've run them with success. You should be on a 20/4 light schedule to maximize the small amount of veg time you've got left. Autos will flower out once they are mature enough for sex but they won't trigger until they have some height.
No offense but the whole "tap water kills microbes in the soil then you will need to add nutrients" is bs. I believed it to until I decided to do a whole grow without any nutrients. I've been watering my 3 plants with nothing but tap water growing in 3 gal pots with fox farms ocean forest soil. Haven't added any nutes since I transplanted them in week 2 of veg. They are in their 5th week of flower and lush green. This is proof that the microbes are doing just fine or my plant would only have 4 fan leaves left on it if what you say is true. Also I only vegged for 3 weeks so anything more than that you will obviously need to add some amendments to the soil.


Well-Known Member
No offense but the whole "tap water kills microbes in the soil then you will need to add nutrients" is bs. I believed it to until I decided to do a whole grow without any nutrients. I've been watering my 3 plants with nothing but tap water growing in 3 gal pots with fox farms ocean forest soil. Haven't added any nutes since I transplanted them in week 2 of veg. They are in their 5th week of flower and lush green. This is proof that the microbes are doing just fine or my plant would only have 4 fan leaves left on it if what you say is true. Also I only vegged for 3 weeks so anything more than that you will obviously need to add some amendments to the soil.
you transplanted them 2 weeks ago but they are 5 weeks in flower? So u transplanted her after she was flowering for 3 weeks? did i get that right?


Well-Known Member
It would stretch for the light if it was too far away or not bright enough. That means the stem under the leaves (stalk) would be very long and skinny. This plant you are growing is 3 weeks old at least and it looks like a 3 DAY old plant. LITERALLY. It's a dud!
what makes u think is a dude? Slow grow?


Well-Known Member
you transplanted them 2 weeks ago but they are 5 weeks in flower? So u transplanted her after she was flowering for 3 weeks? did i get that right?
You need to read what I typed before you post. I transplanted when they were in their SECOND week of veg (i.e week 2). What exactly makes you think that I transplanted them 2 weeks ago if I may ask because I never said that.


Well-Known Member
Ill send you some white light also could it be finished even after the date printed on it packaging? also it is a feminized seed its called dark purple also I haven't used any nutreaints used a nutritional filled pro soil so i dident want to add anymore could the led light be to far away ? I dont know about it being a dud it is still growing slow but growing
i think is a combination of the strain is nutrient sensitive, since u say u have her in a nutrient rich soil, plus overwatering, poor drainage. GL


Well-Known Member
also i agree with the tap water not killing the mycos, in order to kill the mycos it has to be like pool water strength. But i don't agree been a male, actually males grow faster than females if that was the case that it was growing slow because its a dude.

Richard Drysift

Well-Known Member
No offense but the whole "tap water kills microbes in the soil then you will need to add nutrients" is bs. I believed it to until I decided to do a whole grow without any nutrients. I've been watering my 3 plants with nothing but tap water growing in 3 gal pots with fox farms ocean forest soil. Haven't added any nutes since I transplanted them in week 2 of veg. They are in their 5th week of flower and lush green. This is proof that the microbes are doing just fine or my plant would only have 4 fan leaves left on it if what you say is true. Also I only vegged for 3 weeks so anything more than that you will obviously need to add some amendments to the soil.
Chlorine will slowly kill microbial activity; I know this is true but whatever. Use tap water if you want; I don't give a fuck