Don't Make The "Miracle Grow Mistake"

uproot all your plants and blast the roots with a garden hose, get all the junk off of them, your flushing sucks. next replant in untainted soil that you didnt screw up already, then do a mega dose of nitrogen. you need to let those plants know whos boss. its a famale plant, but a female none the less, and your over here asking for help with your girl, shes running the show now it seems and your letting her. nature will always find a way. it has to either use it or die. in most cases, the plant will just stop using the nitrogen and eat only the stuff it needs anyway.

when you eat your food, do you have to mix everything on the plate or just eat what you want separately? i rest my case.
Blah blah blah, geez louise, simmer down!
Look, has obvious N tox, that causes reveg, stunted growth, claw leaves, small buds...

Watering does not cause N tox, fertilizer does,

I ain't using MG ever again for MJ.

Question now is, how long do I wait and wait for amber trichomes, Or, chop it now! Nothing else matters. Since I've already gone organic with next grow, the hell with the reasons this happened. Frankly, I never asked what happened to begin with.

I never knew so many that don't use MG would jump so fast to defend it. Pardon me all to heck! lol
Watering can cause n tox if using time release ferts.

What part of that do you not understand? The flushing is what did it. You were having a few problems, panicked, then flushed.

If you would've cared to research, flushing is for removing salt buildup not removing time release ferts.

You are going to keep having problems in any soil if you don't learn watering techniques.

Geeze man. Why not learn something. It wasn't the soils fault, it was yours.

I'm not defending mg. Guess what, you will go organic and fuck up again. Why, because you won't learn. If you don't care why it went wrong, how can you learn from it?
If the leaves were severely clawed, how could the problem be flushing? When in doubt of nute problem, flush

your posts have no value as far as learning a damn thing. adios
You flush liquid ferts not time release. With time release you can't flush them, the water just releases more man.

The same thing can happen in organics. If you don't care to figure this out you are doomed to repeat it.
It's organic. It's OMRI listed. There is no impact on our environment from Nature's Care.
man, you need to OPEN your eyes to what Monsanto is, evil. Do a SPECK of research, just a speck.
I am so tired of you plugging Monsanto, just STOP.
do you work for them or what??
No one gives a shit.
MOST cannabis growers give a shit.
and you should too.
If I had a store around here and wouldn't have to pay 20 dollars for shipping alone, I'd order Roots Organic.

How about you mix your own soil? Have you ever looked into that? You can get most of the stuff to do it at home depot or lowes, or any gardening supply store for that matter.

I havent bought a bag of potting soil since my first grow.
Money is fucking fake. That's what you aren't getting. It's backed by faith. I don't give a fuck what Monsanto does with money. The Dollar, in itself, is an institution, and you're selling out by putting any value in it just as much as I am. I'm just using what's available and works.
okay, in all seriousness, as far as ferts go, you can go to your local hydro store, hopefully you have one. dont use the cheap stuff next time, the store should have some very good quality nutes you can use. if the nutes cost less than 60 bucks then its crap, what you need is some super high quality stuff, preferably something with a very flashy lable the more money the company seems to have to blow on lables and advertising the better, that means they have money and that means quality. make sure somewhere on the package or bottle it says something that has to do with increased resin and oil production. if it has gold flakes added for extra kick even better.

ill put it this way, would you want to walk around town in some walmart clothes, or would you rather wear some name brand stuff? at the end of the day, its just clothes, but the brand i what makes you feel good. your plants are not going to like you if you get it cheap stuff. you wanna make her feel good by getting her the name brand stuff. you wanna spoil her a little bit, thats how you get her to give you some sugar.

your not getting a girl to take off her panties in the movie theater if your trying to get that matinee ticket shit, you got to show her your not afraid to spend some.
I actually have found recently that I like Dr. Earth's ferts more, though. I've been using HomeGrown for Veg and Flower Girl for flower, omitting Nature's Care. I just use Nature's Care potting mix for its neutrality, availability, and soillessness.

Does that make you feel better, @greasemonkeymann?
okay, in all seriousness, as far as ferts go, you can go to your local hydro store, hopefully you have one. dont use the cheap stuff next time, the store should have some very good quality nutes you can use. if the nutes cost less than 60 bucks then its crap, what you need is some super high quality stuff, preferably something with a very flashy lable the more money the company seems to have to blow on lables and advertising the better, that means they have money and that means quality. make sure somewhere on the package or bottle it says something that has to do with increased resin and oil production. if it has gold flakes added for extra kick even better.

ill put it this way, would you want to walk around town in some walmart clothes, or would you rather wear some name brand stuff? at the end of the day, its just clothes, but the brand i what makes you feel good. your plants are not going to like you if you get it cheap stuff. you wanna make her feel good by getting her the name brand stuff. you wanna spoil her a little bit, thats how you get her to give you some sugar.

your not getting a girl to take off her panties in the movie theater if your trying to get that matinee ticket shit, you got to show her your not afraid to spend some.

Less than $60, its crap. Blind leading the blind around here. They are all made from the same thing.

Only requirement is that it have a good npk ratio along with the micros.

Check out some dynagro. Very affordable and good.