The UK Growers Thread!

I'm starting to feel like I am running a fucking air b n b! :)

Trouble is that I loved the last lot and this lot just please themselves.

I'm going hydro shop now, they can sort themselves out.
That's why he can't pay for a taxi...all his money spent on his cars. You running a b and b in Barca? Lol.

Excuse the lines in the pics

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Deep Blue
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How far along is your glue? Mines five weeks today but I think it's probably a bit behind where it should be because of that heatwave a week or so back. I think the resin has suffered. It's like it has melted and has got to start again ffs image.jpg
Morning guys, after struggling to find cuttings I resorted to germinating 5 seeds 2 weeks ago and another 13 2 days ago, just woke up to a text saying we got 18 cuts! My plant count is 36 with 1 in flower, I guess I'll have to go grab another tent for all these babies. Busy Busy