MMMP & CPL -Who's got both cards?


Well-Known Member
I have read pages upon pages of contradicting statement and vague replies to questions asked regarding having both cards -never a yes or no. Can I have both cards? Would it be a waste to pay the $90 for the class, then the $100 non-refundable application fee just to be turned down because I have a MMMP card? Are there any MI folks here that have both cards? Is there anything that I should be aware of or anything specific I should know before applying for a CPL as a MMMP card holder? Any advice or input from those who actually have both cards, or have been denied for having one or the other cards will really be appreciated. I've already read plenty from people who "think" this or "might know" that. Im looking for experienced and factual replies please.
The state will issue a cpl if you have a mmmp card because there is no way for them to find out unless you tell or smell. I would not carry, consume, smell or be under the influence of any cannabis while carrying or even carry your mmmp card while carrying concealed. Swim and my pet donkey carry all the time but follow the 4 rules at all times while carrying.

Lastly do not just take the state required cpl course. Seek other advanced training and keep it recent, and practice often. If you use lethal force and all you have is a basic cpl course from say several years ago it's not going to look good in front of a judge and jury. So keep seeking training!
I gave up my cpl as I'm too paranoid to have both. I still possess my firearms, I just don't conceal carry any more.

That one line you legally have to check yes or no to makes me very afraid.

I think the line you are talking about is the question regarding the cpl where they ask if your are addicted or using any illegal drugs......kinda a hard question to answer with absolute honesty since it is legal on a state level but not on a federal level. I heard it is a different questionere from county to county and some ask and some dont about the mmmp card/drug usage.
In the laws of the MMMP in so many words states that this card should not obstruct any other rights (which you would think includes cpl). I wont smoke and carry, or be in possesion when carrying my firearm. I have years of experience with multiple firearms,range time and already did the course, but it expired before I could file at the county clerks office. The class I attended was pretty intense to say the least haha
Yes people have both. Depends on their location (local prosecutor)

Don't flaunt your mmmp card and no one will kno.
LARA supposedly is not linked to LEIN (sp?)
This is what I was wondering about. Do they run a check or process it with the given info I provide on the application?
I just dont want to throw away $200 applying for something I wont get.
You will be issued a cpl if you answer all the questions correctly and meet all the requirements . They're not going to run your information and go "oh this guy had a mmmp card" denied! They won't know unless you tell them.
So then what happens if your carrying and have mj on u and get pulled over? Then what? I err on the side of caution vs the side behind bars.
How about possessing a gun in your home that you grow in? Does anyone here have first hand experience? I have been raided for my grow before but I didn't have a gun at the time.
So then what happens if your carrying and have mj on u and get pulled over? Then what? I err on the side of caution vs the side behind bars.
Well the mmj is supposed to locked in the trunk or inaccessible from the drivers seat. I always carry mmj in a charcoal lined bag so no smell is present. There is no law that says you have to declare to an officer you have mmj in the car like you do with a concealed pistol.
Cops can and most often do a search on every vehicle stop. Probable cause is a good enough excuse at any time being pulled over. I've only met a handful of decent police offers in my lifetime. Most others are shady as shit. And more corrupt than most.
How about possessing a gun in your home that you grow in? Does anyone here have first hand experience? I have been raided for my grow before but I didn't have a gun at the time.
I don't have firsthand experience but I remember dr.b aka grow greenerguru on YouTube got raided and had a loaded shotgun by the door. He ended up getting all the charges but one against him and his wife dropped. He was charged with obstruction of a peace officer no firearms charges.
Cops can and most often do a search on every vehicle stop. Probable cause is a good enough excuse at any time being pulled over. I've only met a handful of decent police offers in my lifetime. Most others are shady as shit. And more corrupt than most.
I agree. That is why we as patients/caregivers need to be vigilant ie. No out lights, expired tags, keep the road rage to a minimum, stop when signs say stop, and don't drive aggressive. They can still pull you over for something stupid or for no reason at all but in my personal experience of driving for 2 decades I have only been pulled over 2 times and one of those times I was straight blazing a bowl and tossed it in a McDonald's cup full of pop lol, rolled the windows down and just acted cool.
I don't have firsthand experience but I remember dr.b aka grow greenerguru on YouTube got raided and had a loaded shotgun by the door. He ended up getting all the charges but one against him and his wife dropped. He was charged with obstruction of a peace officer no firearms charges.
Now to add to that if he has 5 ar's body armor and shitload of ammo might have turned out differently. He also had one of the best attorneys in Michigan imo.
Adam Brook would probably tell you it's not worth it
I searched for the whole story, but couldnt find it. I read he took a plea to get charges dropped on his wife. Did he get charged for having registered & legal firearms in his home that he was growing in? This is what Im talking about that makes it a VERY grey area in the law here in MI. You could potentially get charged by the feds for having a firearm in the same place as your grow since Federal law states weed is still a schedule 1 and illegal which would put you in posession of a firearm while in possesion of a schedule 1 drug. Those are 2 charges you dont want side by side.
I searched for the whole story, but couldnt find it. I read he took a plea to get charges dropped on his wife. Did he get charged for having registered & legal firearms in his home that he was growing in? This is what Im talking about that makes it a VERY grey area in the law here in MI. You could potentially get charged by the feds for having a firearm in the same place as your grow since Federal law states weed is still a schedule 1 and illegal which would put you in posession of a firearm while in possesion of a schedule 1 drug. Those are 2 charges you dont want side by side.

Yes I think so. Ding ding ding. They give you enough rope to hang yourself, and a firearm will always make the "situation" worse. Are you in so much fear that it is worth the risk? No offense or anything... Just don't let your emotions control your actions. ;-)
Yes I think so. Ding ding ding. They give you enough rope to hang yourself, and a firearm will always make the "situation" worse. Are you in so much fear that it is worth the risk? No offense or anything... Just don't let your emotions control your actions. ;-)

Its not that I'm overly fearful and honestly don't see much of a risk if I can legally obtain both cards but as an open carry state, MI makes me unholster the firearm/empty the revolver and lock them in a box every time I get into a vehicle and will be transporting it. With CPL I have less restrictions on where I can carry along with being able to drive with it on my person in a vehicle. What good does open carry do me if I have to run to the trunk of my car,unlock it from the box & load it after something potentially life threatening occours. CPL just puts it in a whole new class of actual "carry". I just want to do it legally since I really have no worries of being under a state or Federal microscope. I don't plan to head the Hash Bash or file any law suits against a city lol
Also don't want to throw away a non refundable $200 if I would just get an automatic denial on CPL application.