fuck my TV

Chunky Stool

Well-Known Member
I'm trying to watch a recorded show & have restarted three times, thanks to ADD.
Oh look, a squirrel. That little fucker better stay out of my garden. Mmm... I loves me some squirrel stew.

Fuck! Gotta restart again...
I'm trying to watch a recorded show & have restarted three times, thanks to ADD.
Oh look, a squirrel. That little fucker better stay out of my garden. Mmm... I loves me some squirrel stew.

Fuck! Gotta restart again...

i can help yah adhd

ok the tv show comes on .....it plays it goes off wait about 1 hour then go to this place

enter in the name of the show down load it to the computer for free......any damn show u want or movie for free (including stars showtime hbo and all those other pay me channels )
using shareaza
then u do your days work get super super super stoned and watch them off the computer where u can play with the tracking and start stop all that stuff '

i have not paid for a movie since i demanded my money back from starwars 2 15 mins of yoda fighting at the end of 2hr love story ( the movie is called Clone wars not romance the jedi)

as for the tree rats ........peanut butter mixed with poison on some branches or set up a live trap get a bag of them and dump them in the car of a person u dislike
as for the tree rats ........peanut butter mixed with poison on some branches or set up a live trap get a bag of them and dump them in the car of a person u dislike
Poison is always a bad idea because someone, or something, unintended may get into it. In this instance, an unassuming bird doesn't deserve to die because you like playing with poison. JS
Poison is always a bad idea because someone, or something, unintended may get into it. In this instance, an unassuming bird doesn't deserve to die because you like playing with poison. JS
that would be if i cared ........i do not really care anymore

not humans i can not be charged with a crime so what the hell does it matter to me for ......the only way this is a crime is if i spread it on someone else land or public land as long as i am on my own it 100% legal

if i set up racoon traps and a cat gets killed i am not introuble as long as is my land ....i live in the fucking farmlands shit pit less then 1/4 a mile from house

this is country rules not city suburb rules ....the only thing i am not allowed to do is grab a .22 and go outside shoot at them u have to be more then 150 yards from any building that has any living creature in it before u are allowed to fire at something ....if i did fire i looking a public indangerment charges
as for birds

the cloest city to me fires explosives into the trees to chase the flocks of birds off ..........starlings and crows

the only reason it is a city is becuase it has more ppl then a Town
it is nothing like a city u can drive tho it in under 10 mins gonig tho the streets in the city

hell were i live there are no leash laws u can walk your dog off leash ....i am that far out in the boonies
as for birds

the cloest city to me fires explosives into the trees to chase the flocks of birds off ..........starlings and crows

the only reason it is a city is becuase it has more ppl then a Town
it is nothing like a city u can drive tho it in under 10 mins gonig tho the streets in the city

hell were i live there are no leash laws u can walk your dog off leash ....i am that far out in the boonies
that would be if i cared ........i do not really care anymore

not humans i can not be charged with a crime so what the hell does it matter to me for ......the only way this is a crime is if i spread it on someone else land or public land as long as i am on my own it 100% legal
Not true. If you're responsible for the death of song bird, a protected species, or a neighbors dog even, you'll get the electric chair. Or I'll strap you to a chair and pull your fucking teeth out of your head with pliers.

Man, your response and lack of compassion for animals is for shit. Go reply to my second post to you today about candy in J.J. thread, I'd rather not hear back from you on this, or I'll be getting my tools out.

booby trap you

I for one would rather decapitate a few dozen people than an wild animal... I think hunting should be done by hand.... or train the animals in assault weapons too... I mean, it's not sporting otherwise.

Yeah, I will kill a dog if it attacks me... but I'll be sad, because it was actually inocent of wrong, and it could have been prevented, by it's human. When I kill that fucker, I won't be sad at all.

It seems crazy to try to promote anything "good" for you and do such irresponsible things... why should I believe you're not like that about everything? If you don't care about the planet, you don't care about me, if that's true, then why should I believe you're trying to help me? Or that you're honest?
Now cats are another story... those fuckers ae predatory pests... I have a hard time feeling bad, except it is STILL the humans fault... fucking cats... grrrr
Not true. If you're responsible for the death of song bird, a protected species, or a neighbors dog even, you'll get the electric chair. Or I'll strap you to a chair and pull your fucking teeth out of your head with pliers.

Man, your response and lack of compassion for animals is for shit. Go reply to my second post to you today about candy in J.J. thread, I'd rather not hear back from you on this, or I'll be getting my tools out.

booby trap you

live in the country ......i see baby cows staked down to the ground so they can not move and get killed off 4 months after they are born

hell i sawl bambi on the road the other day someone hit it mother and the little deer was in the field less then 20 yards from the body

if i set up things to keep the house from getting tree rats living in the attic after pruning away the tree limbs they use to cross on to it .....fake owl did not they still went for the attic ....peanut butter little rat poison on the branch

raccoons breaking open the trash cans and spreading it all over the place even when have a bungle cord hooked on to keep the lid locked down .....can i leave the trash in the middle of the street....no i have to pick it up

the raccoons must die or leave the area ........so 3 tins of cat food with little rat poison around the trash can

all 100% legal .......no my fault they let a cat out and wanders in other ppls yard ..... we kept the poison yard signs up while we were doing it ...sign saids keep animals off the yard as chemicals have been put on the grass ...poisons laid out for insects

u want to rip my teeth out go for it u ...want to kill me go for it .....want to fuck some guy in the ass go for it .......i do not care to me death is a release from the hell i call life
what i did was 100% legal they called the cops the cops came they sawl they told the person it was their fault for not watching their cat i am not responsible for other ppls pets they are as the pet owner ....it was clearly marked ......

so yah come kill me come try to fuck me up give me the reason to snap.....i got nothing to lose but the torment of living (bi polar sucks that bad ask robin williams )

so unless u are wiling to pay for the upkeep on the house to repair the damage the tree rats do trying to get into attic or pick up the trash the raccoons spread out over all over the place
shut the fuck up .. that simple